extreme wind ramp events is analogous to utilizing DR as a
resource for extreme heat waves. Both events, after all, stem
from high- and low-pressure systems driven by synoptic-scale
Rossby waves. One key difference, however, is that economic
load-following applications will likely demand higher
dispatch frequency than reliability modes typically require.
As discussed below, this will have important implications
both for the economics that drive those applications and the
resources topology necessary to serve them.
Contingency Reserves
Spinning, non-spinning, and supplemental operating reserves
all classify as contingency reserves on different temporal
scales. These resources are called into action for reliability
purposes, typically when a generator unexpectedly shuts
down. Immediate response is required from reserves to
provide frequency and voltage support for a short duration
(minutes for spinning and hours for non-spinning). Milligan
notes that because wind plant outages typically only occur at
the level of individual turbines and because short-duration
fluctuations are averaged out over the array, wind output
typically changes only by small fractions of its nameplate
capacity. By contrast, a conventional generator can trip during
peak load hours and therefore presents greater reliability
constraints than wind and solar [14].
Advanced metering infrastructure and low-latency
communication networks allow certain responsive loads to
respond faster, and at a lower cost, to contingency events than
traditional generators. Quite simply, it is more efficient to
turn loads off for short durations than to leave generators
“spinning” for long durations. Residential and commercial air