methods have been suggested based, for example, on artificial
neural networks and fuzzy controllers [3] and [9].
Planning and Design of Microgrids
The placement of distributed resources into microgrid
topologies is a multi-faceted problem of greater complexity
than may first be evident. Issues of installation cost,
environmental impact, line loss, grid connectivity, reliability,
resource longevity, reuse of waste heat, capacity for
intentional islanding, and physical constraints all affect the
decision-making process. The interaction between these
distinct objectives, the complexity of power flows, and the
relatively small number of existing practical microgrid
installations mean that heuristics or rules-of-thumb are
inappropriate if an optimal or near-optimal system
configuration is required. In a bid to move away from
heuristics, contemporary research [10], [11], [12], [13] and
[14] has examined automating this design process through a
range of computational intelligence techniques.
Irrespective of the planning approach chosen, the need for
reliable and comprehensive data further complicates the task
of planning a microgrid development. Any quality microgrid
plan will be built on knowledge of the types of load profile
that are to be expected, the seasonal characteristics that will
affect renewables, and the specifics of technologies that may
be used, for instance. Where possible, it is likely that much of
this data will need to be generated through models, which
raises concerns both with respect to cost and accuracy.
Moreover, for some microgrids, the exact nature of loads may
not be known, which introduces significant noise into the
planning process.