An Introduction to Monte Carlo Methods
22.1 Overview
Monte Carlo (MC) methods are a variety of random simulations used to
determine the values of parameters. In this introductory chapter we use
MC to determine the value of π. In the next chapter we will use MC to
determine the values of various kinds of options that cannot be readily
priced using closed-form formulas. The MC method has its source in
physics, where it is often used to determine model values for which there
is no analytical solution.
The use of MC in fi nance is similar: MC methods
use simulation to price assets whose prices are not readily determined
by analytical means. In short, if there is no formula for computing the
value of an asset, maybe we can determine its value with a simulation.
Clearly the category of options for which there exist no analytical solu-
tions does not include “plain vanilla” European calls and puts, which can
be priced by the Black-Scholes formula. However, many options are
more complicated than these. In Chapter 23 we will illustrate MC methods
for Asian options (where the terminal payoff of the option is path depen-
dent) and American options.
In this chapter we give a laywoman’s introduction to MC pricing.
a precursor you might want to read Chapter 30, which discusses random-
number generators.
22.2 Computing p Using Monte Carlo
All MC methods involve random simulation. We illustrate how to use
Monte Carlo to calculate the value of π, a number with which you are
presumably familiar.
Here’s our method: We know that the area of the unit circle (circle
with radius 1) is π. It follows that the area of a quarter circle is π/4. We
inscribe a quarter circle into a unit square, as seen in the following illus-
tration. We then proceed to “shoot” random points at the unit square.
Each random point has an x component and a y component. We generate
such points by using the Excel function Rand.
1. Two good Web sites with introductions to MC methods are http://www.phy.ornl.gov/
csep/CSEP/MC/NODE1.html and http://www.puc-rio.br/marco.ind/monte-carlo.html.
2. An excellent nonintroductory text is Glasserman (2005).