Radiation Dosimetry: Instrumentation and Methods
Analytical treatments generally begin with a set of
coupled integro-differential equations that are prohibi-
tively difficult to solve except under severe approximation.
One such approximation uses asymptotic formulas to
describe pair production and
, and all other
processes are ignored.
The Monte Carlo technique obviously provides a
much better way for solving the shower generation prob-
lem, not only because all of the fundamental processes
can be included, but also because arbitrary geometries
can be treated. In addition, other minor processes, such
as photoneutron production, can be added as a further
The most commonly used code for Monte Carlo cal-
culation for dosimetry is the Electron-Gamma Shower
(EGS) code. [1] The EGS system of computer codes is a
general-purpose package for the Monte Carlo simulation
of the coupled transport of electrons and photons in an
arbitrary geometry for particles with energies above a few
keV up to several TeV. The radiation transport of electrons
) or photons can be simulated in any element,
compound, or mixture. That is, the data preparation pack-
age, PEGS4, creates data to be used by EGS4, using cross-
section tables for elements 1 through 100. Both photons
and charged particles are transported randomly rather than
in discrete steps. The following physics processes are
taken into account by the EGS4 Code System:
production (excluding the Elwert
correction at low energies)
• Positron annihilation in flight and at rest (the
annihilation quanta are followed to completion)
• Moliere multiple scattering (i.e., Coulomb scat-
tering from nuclei)
• The reduced angle is sampled from a continu-
ous, rather then discrete, distribution. This is done
for arbitrary step sizes, selected randomly, pro-
vided that they are not so large or so small as to
invalidate the theory.
• Moller (e
) and Bhabha (e
) scattering
• Exact, rather than asymptotic, formulas are used.
• Continuous energy loss applied to charged par-
ticle tracks between discrete interactions
• Pair production
• Compton scattering
• Coherent (Rayleigh) scattering can be included
by means of an option
• Photoelectric effect.
Electrons, as they traverse matter, lose energy by two basic
processes: collision and radiation. The collision process
is one whereby either the atom is left in an excited state
or it is ionized. Most of the time the ejected electron, as
in the case of ionization, has a small amount of energy
that is deposited locally. On occasion, however, an orbital
electron is given a significant amount of kinetic energy such
that it is regarded as a secondary particle called a delta-ray.
Energy loss by radiation (
) is fairly uni-
formly distributed among secondary photons of all energies
from zero up to the energy of the primary particle itself.
At low-electron energies the collision loss mechanism
dominates, and at high energies the
cess is the most important. At some electron energy the
two losses are equal, and this energy coincides approxi-
mately with the critical energy of the material, a parameter
that is used in shower theory for scaling purposes. There-
fore, at high energies a large fraction of the electron energy
is spent in the production of high-energy photons that, in
turn, may interact in the medium. One of three photo-
processes dominates, depending on the energy of the pho-
ton and the nature of the medium. At high energies, an
electron-positron-pair production dominates over Comp-
ton scattering, and at some lower energy the reverse is
true. The two processes provide a return of energy to the
system in the form of electrons which, with repetition of
process, results in a multiplicative
process known as an electromagnetic cascade shower. The
third photon process, the photoelectric effect, as well as
multiple Coulomb scattering of the electrons by atoms,
perturbs the shower to some degree. The latter, coupled
with the Compton process, gives rise to a lateral spread.
The net effect in the forward (longitudinal) direction is an
increase in the number of particles and a decrease in their
average energy at each step in the process.
Electron linac fields are usually characterized by the
central-axis practical range in water,
, and the depth of
half-maximum dose,
, for dosimetry, quality assurance,
and treatment planning. The spectral quantity is
introduced, defined as the mean energy of the incident
spectral peak and termed the ‘‘peak mean energy.’’ An
analytical model was constructed by Deasy et al. [2] to
demonstrate the predicted relation between polyenergetic
spectral shapes and the resulting depth-dose curves. The
model shows that, in the absence of electrons at the patient
plane with energies outside about
are both determined by .
The two most common range-energy formulas cur-
rently used for clinical dosimetry are
where denotes the energy at the patient plane (typi-
cally 100 cm from the source), is the mean energy,
0.1 E
p 0,
0.22 1.98R
Ch-02.fm Page 14 Friday, November 10, 2000 10:50 AM