2 Luis A. Agapito and Jorge M. Seminario
to account for the effect of the contacts on the molecule keeping the realistic chemical
nature of the sandwiched molecule. These techniques can also be used to study scenarios
where the information is not coded in electron currents [10–12].
The electron transport in quantum chemistry is studied as a chemical reaction or as a
state transition through junctions of atomic sizes and can also be approximately described
in terms of mesoscopic physics models in a coherent regime, where the electrons travel
with a given probability, sequentially one after the other through the molecule without
electron–electron or phonon–electron interactions. This kind of transport is described
by the Landauer formalism [13]. Here, we use our DFT-GF technique [14] to make an
atomistic adaptation of the Landauer formalism for the calculation of current through
molecular junctions.
Specifically, we focus our study on an oligo-phenylene-ethynylene (OPE) molecule,
which has been proposed as a candidate for a molecular electronic device [15]. Similar
OPE molecules, attached to gold contacts, have shown two distinctive states of con-
ductance, namely a high- and a low- conductance state. Those states can be used to
encode information as logic “0” and “1,” hence, their importance. Switching between
the two states of the molecule is mainly attributed to two different mechanisms: changes
in charge state [15] and changes in conformational states [16].
We use our DFT-GF formalism to calculate the conductance through metal–nitroOPE–
metal junctions in several charge and conformational states. Two different metallic
materials are evaluated in this work: the commonly used gold and the promising carbon
nanotube (CNT).
2. Electron transport at interfaces
From the computational viewpoint, primarily two types of molecular systems are
involved in the work presented here: finite and extended systems. Finite systems refer
to molecules or nanoclusters with a finite number of atoms whereas an extended system
refers to a crystalline such as the contacts. The tools to study both types of systems
are well-established in the computational chemistry field [1, 2, 17–20]. The Gaussian
03 [21] is capable of performing calculations of systems with periodic boundary con-
ditions in one, two and three dimensions. However, systems that combine both a finite
and an extended character represent a new and challenging area of research; this is the
case for the study of a single molecule (finite) adsorbed to contact tips (modeled as an
infinite crystal material).
The discrete electronic states of an isolate molecule are obtained by solving the
Schrödinger equation; we solve that equation following a DFT approach. When the
molecule is adsorbed on a contact tip, the continuous electronic states of bulk material
modify the discrete electronic states of the molecule. In other words, electrons from the
contacts leak into the molecule, modifying its electronic properties. A mathematical for-
malism based on the Green function is used to account for the effect of the bulk contacts.
2.1. Electronic properties of molecules and clusters
The electronic properties of a molecular system can be calculated from its auxiliary
wavefunction, which is built as a determinant of molecular orbitals (MOs). MOs are