42 Luis A. Agapito and Jorge M. Seminario
and the perpendicular. The explanation rests more in the quantum-mechanical nature of
the system. We use the MOs to explain the change in conductance between the coplanar
and the perpendicular conformational states. Since the Fermi level of the molecular
junction is taken as the energy of the HOMO, we expect most of the electron transport
to take place through the HOMO.
For the Au
junction, the HOMO for the coplanar conforma-
tion is totally delocalized between the metallic contacts and the nitroOPE, as seen in
Table 9. This explains the high conductance of the coplanar configuration and the low
conductance of the perpendicular configuration.
Similar results are found for the Au
, shown in Table 10. The
HOMO for the coplanar configuration is delocalized across the nitroOPE and the bottom
Au atom; however, it does not cover the top Au
contact, reflecting the absence of a
chemical bond. Because of that, the conduction through the HOMO is not as high as for
the Au
junction, where a chemical bond is present. However, this
is compensated by the presence of three delocalized orbitals (the HOMO, HOMO−1, and
HOMO−2) instead of only one. The frontier MOs for the perpendicular configuration
are localized, accounting for the low conductance observed in the I-V calculation.
The MOs for the CNT–nitroOPE–CNT junction are shown in Table 11. The popula-
tion of the MOs at both CNT–nitroOPE interfaces gives an indication of the seamless
chemical attachment of an organic molecule to the CNT, which reflects an electroni-
cally superior contact. We observe four delocalized MOs (LUMO, HOMO, HOMO−3,
HOMO−4) which enhance the conduction in the coplanar conformation. Conversely,
the MOs, for the perpendicular conformation are localized.
For the coplanar Au
–nirtoOPE–Si junction, the MOs (Table 12 close to the HOMO
are localized but two delocalized MOs (HOMO−3, HOMO−4) are found at lower
energies. This agrees with the flat region observed in the I-V curve of the coplanar
junction, where current is found upon the application of higher voltages. All the MOs
for the perpendicular conformation are localized.
The frontier MOs for the CNT–nitroOPE–Si junction are reported in Table 13. The
MOs are localized for the perpendicular conformation and delocalized for the coplanar
conformation, accounting for the difference in conductance found between the two
conformational states.
6. Summary and conclusions
The miniaturization of conventional electronic devices can change drastically their elec-
trical characteristics due to the predominance of quantum-mechanical effects at atomistic
dimensions. Because of its technological importance, the use of silicon in molecu-
lar electronic devices is desirable. Macroscopically, metal–semiconductor junctions are
known to behave as electrical rectifiers (Schottky diodes); this is apparently a drawback
for the use of a semiconductor material as a contact for single molecule–based devices.
However, our calculations of metal–nitroOPE–semiconductor junctions corroborated
previous predictions that a “molecular Schottky diode,” contrary to its macroscopic
counterpart, does not present rectifying behavior. This is due to the predominance of
the tunneling over the thermionic transport mechanisms at atomistic sizes.