Metal–molecule–semiconductor junctions 29
To find an appropriate geometry for the bottom part of the junction, we optimize the
nitroOPE molecule perpendicularly bonded to a hydride-passivated Si (111) surface,
which is modeled by 52 silicon atoms (Figure 13A). Hydrogen atoms are added to
saturate the boundary Si atoms. This molecule presents a total dipole moment of 5.08 D
(+2.72 D in the direction of the junction). The optimized C−Si bond length is 1.913 Å.
The top part of the junction is found by optimizing the nitroOPE molecule and six
gold atoms (Figure 13B). We run several calculations with increasing number of Au
atoms (from 1 to 6); those geometry optimizations show that the gold atoms tend to a
planar conformation and that there is no chemical bond between the gold atoms and
the nitroOPE molecule. For compatibility, the optimization of the top (Figure 13B) and
bottom (Figure 13A) parts of the junction is performed using the same level of theory,
B3PW91, and basis set, LANL2DZ.
Figure 13C shows the final assembly of the Au–nitroOPE–Si junction from the
optimized bottom and top parts. For practical reason to confront the computationally
challenging nature of the geometry optimizations, the assembled geometry of the junction
(Figure 13C) is kept fixed (not fully optimized) for all subsequent calculations. Also,
notice that the number of total silicon atoms is reduced to 38 with respect to Figure 13A.
The total dipole moment for this junction is 9.03 D (+7.8 D in the direction the junction).
We also calculated an alternative geometry, the perpendicular conformation. In that
conformation, the middle phenyl ring, which contains the nitro group, is rotated 90
with respect to the plane of the other two phenyl rings. If the opposite is not stated
explicitly, the default conformation corresponds to “coplanar”, where all the phenyl
rings are contained in a plane, as seen in Figure 13C.
The calculations of both conformations, shown in Table 3, predict that the Au–
nitroOPE–Si junction is more stable in the perpendicular conformation than in the
coplanar conformation, with an energetic barrier of 0.19 eV (4.3 kcal/mol, ∼7 kT ) for
rotation of the middle phenyl ring.
5.3.2. (4, 4) CNT contact
Recently, several procedures have been reported for attaching covalently aromatic hydro-
carbons (arenes) to CNTs [44–46]. Manipulation of CNTs has been limited since they
are synthesized as bundles or ropes. Because of the tendency to agglomerate, CNTs
present low solubility and dispersion when placed in polymer matrices [74]. The ability
to attach arene “handles” to CNTs allows direct manipulation of this amazing form of
carbon, opening new possibilities of using individual CNTs as molecular devices.
Table 3 Summary of the calculation for the Au–nitroOPE–Si junction
Coplanar conformation Perpendicular conformation
Calculation type single point single point
Calculation method UB3PW91 UP3PW91
Total electronic energy −201457326Ha −201458015Ha
Dipole moment 9.03 D 9.52 D