2.1 Introduction 33
totally incoherent – it is partially coherent – but that property will not be used in the
following analysis.
Polarisation follows from the vector character of light. As with any other electro-
magnetic radiation obeying Maxwell’s equations, light is described by electric and
magnetic field vectors which are orthogonal to each other and to the direction of
propagation (transverse fields). If one considers, for example, the electric vector
in a given point of space as a function of time it can describe various curves. If
it oscillates along a straight line the light is linearly polarised. But the vector also
can describe an ellipse (elliptical polarisation) or a circle (circular polarisation) or
even move randomly (unpolarised radiation). Natural radiation, which is often unpo-
larised, can become polarised after reflection or refraction at optical surfaces. This
effect can give useful information on the properties of polarising media, but it can
also lead to radiometric errors if it is not taken into account. If one wants to have
precise radiometry, rather than just attractive pictures, then polarisation should be
studied intensely.
Light is always a superimposition of wave trains with different wavelengths (and
directions of propagation). Therefore, all physical quantities which describe the
radiation, such as amplitudes, phases and intensities, depend on the wavelength λ or
on the wavenumber σ = 1/λ. These functions f(λ) characterise the spectral proper-
ties of light, and f(λ) is the spectrum of the corresponding physical quantity f.Ifthe
function f(λ) is concentrated in a small neighbourhood around a mean wavelength
λ0 then the radiation is (quasi-)monochromatic. Otherwise, the radiation is more or
less broad-band. It can be decomposed into its spectral parts using filters, prisms or
gratings, enabling useful information on light sources or on reflecting, refracting,
absorbing, or scattering media to be obtained. Natural radiation in general is broad-
band, whereas laser radiation can be extremely narrow-band. Connected with the
spectrum is the colour of light, which is not a physical quantity but a phenomenon
of visual perception. Many models have been developed to describe colour more or
less correctly and these should be used if true colour images must be generated.
The physical value which is measured by a radiation detector is proportional to
a time average of the quadratic amplitude of incoming radiation. It is a measure of
the radiation energy in a certain spectral interval reaching the detector during the
integration time and of the brightness too. When that energy must be measured (for
ordinary cameras that is not the case – a good visual impression is enough), then
a radiometric system must be considered. Radiometric systems need very careful
design, because diverse errors can cause considerable deterioration of the quality of
The description of light by Maxwell’s equations as a continuous phenomenon in
space and time is only an approximation of its true nature. If one goes to the atomic
range and investigates the emission and absorption of light by atoms and molecules,
it becomes clear that light is emitted and absorbed only as discrete portions of energy
(light quanta or photons). For our purposes it is sufficient to imagine a photon as a
wave train of limited duration and extent with the wavelength λ and the frequency
ν = c/λ, (2.1-3)