248 4 Structure of a Digital Airborne Camera
determined perspective centres are shifted from their true physical locations, but
the object coordinates finally obtained are almost unaffected. Nevertheless, in direct
georeferencing one has to take these effects into account. In a similar way to sub-
optimal system calibration, the effects of uncorrected coordinate distortions will
significantly decrease the accuracy of object point determination. To solve for this,
the camera focal length for each individual camera station can be adapted accord-
ing to the local distortions, but this approach offers only an approximate solution.
More rigorous is to conduct the processing in a Cartesian coordinate frame, where
the mathematical conditions of central perspective hold, and to transform the results
to the mapping frame afterwards [see for example Greening et al. (2000)]. A more
thorough analysis of this problem is given by Ressl (2001) and results based on
empirical data sets are published in Jacobsen (2003).
The Geoid mentioned above is also used as the vertical reference surface. Land
surveyors typically use orthometric heights, which are directly related to the Geoid.
The vertical information from integrated GPS/IMU systems, however, corresponds
initially to the ellipsoidal reference frame (WGS84). Thus, ellipsoidal heights have
to be transformed to heights above the Geoid. Depending on the level of accu-
racy required, Geoid models of different resolution and accuracy are available. If
necessary, additional local adaptations are performed to obtain the correct height
reference. Furthermore, the shape of the Geoid defines the direction of the gravity
vector dependent on the actual position and the terrain variations. This plumb line
also defines the vertical axis of the navigation coordinate frame, which is also ger-
mane to the determination of GPS/IMU orientation angles. Nevertheless, owing to
gravity anomalies, the geoidal surface departs from the ellipsoid, so the plumb line
does not coincide with the ellipsoidal normal. In some regions the slope of both
references is almost linear, whereas in other regions (mostly in mountainous areas)
non-linear variations occur. The deflection of the vertical impacts navigation angles
and has to be considered in the transformation to the mapping coordinate frame.
Uncompensated deflections of the vertical may induce errors up to 20˝ (Greening
et al., 2000). Variation over a certain region of interest is especially critical, though
the constant part of these effects is already compensated within the calibration of
the boresight angles. Transformation of Rotation Angles
The discussion above clearly indicates the need for several transformations that
have to be applied to the positioning and attitude data obtained. Proper attention
must be paid to the correct transformation of rotation angles. The navigation angles
originally obtained have to be transformed to the photogrammetric angles. The
appropriate parameterisation has to be considered also. Typically, the orientation
angles in photogrammetry are given as ω, φ, κ. As already depicted in (2.10-22),
the navigation angles r, p , y (roll, pitch and yaw) are obtained from a transformation
matrix, which relates the inertial body frame system to the local navigation frame
n. If the sensor is moving, as is always the case for kinematic applications, the local
navigation frame moves as well. Its origin is always defined by the actual position