134 3 The Imaged Object and the Atmosphere
Figure 3.1-4 reveals that the ultraviolet and blue parts of the sunlight are removed
from the solar spectrum to a great extent owing to scattering by air molecules when
zenith distances are large. In contrast, the infrared parts of the sunlight are almost
completely unattenuated at the Earth’s surface even for θ ≈ 84
(this means that
≈ 15). Thus the maximum solar energy at the Earth’s surface shifts from the
blue-green spectral range to the red domain.
The radiation scattered by air molecules and aerosols is partly backscattered into
the upper atmosphere (dotted arrows in Fig. 3.1-1) and escapes into space. Part of
this backscattered radiation hits the sensor in the aircraft or satellite (Fig. 3.2-1) and
is termed path radiance. The part scattered into the lower atmosphere is called dif-
fuse sky radiation and reaches the Earth’s surface or the target to be detected. Thus
the incoming radiation at the target on the Earth’s surface consists of the direct solar
radiation and the diffuse sky radiation. A rough rule of thumb is that under cloudless
conditions the diffuse sky radiation amounts to 18% of the total incoming radiation.
The direct solar radiation attenuated by penetrating the atmosphere and the diffuse
sky radiation strike the Earth’s surface (Fig. 3.1-1) and there are reflected according
to the optical properties of the particular surface. This reflected radiation – after a
second passage through the atmosphere to the sensor – generates the required image
of the target. Different surfaces reflect very differently in the various spectral ranges.
Some reference values for the spectral albedo are listed in Table 3.1-1. The spectral
albedo is the ratio of the reflected irradiance [W/m
] to the incoming irradiance
] in the spectral domain under consideration.
Table 3.1-1 Reference values of the spectral albedo of different surfaces
Spectral domain Bare soil (dry clay) Vegetation (grass) Snow (dry) Bare soil (dry clay)
Blue 0.169 0.007 0.89 0.026
Green 0.268 0.051 0.906 0.049
Red 0.329 0.040 0.91 0.041
Near infrared 0.418 0.654 0.89 0.000
3.2 Radiation at the Sensor
The different radiation components striking the sensor are depicted in Fig. 3.2-1,
assuming a flat area. On the target detected at timet comes the direct radiation (E
and diffuse radiation (E
). The direct radiation is the solar radiation incident on the
surface after one passage through the atmosphere. As mentioned above, the diffuse
sky radiation emerges from the scattering processes caused by the air molecules and
aerosols. It is sunlight deflected by scattering from the primary direction and comes
now to the surface target from all directions of the hemisphere. These components
+ E
) are reflected according to the reflectance ρ
and reach the sensor after
a second passage through the atmosphere (ray 2 in Fig. 3.2-1). During their second