4.2 Optics and Mechanics 153
4.2.2 The Effect of the Wave Nature of Light
If we wish to address the transfer of information from the object to the sensor, we
must take into account the wave nature of light as the information carrier. Every
physical wave, even waves on water, is diffracted at fixed objects and also at holes
such as optical apertures. All points on the obstacle on which the light is incident
re-emit spherical waves of light that interfere with each other and combine to form
the new, the “diffracted” wave front. Due to interference caused by the obstacle, the
shape of the diffracted wave front is different to that of the incident wave.
In the case of an optical system, it is necessary to consider diffraction effects at
the pupils. From physics we know that the diffraction of a plane wave at a circular
aperture such as the EP results in intensity maxima and minima that appear at an
observation angle δω = m · 1.22 · λ/D
, where m is the diffraction order and λ the
wavelength of the light. The first intensity minima is at m =±1. If for the time being
we ignore the irrelevant factor 1.22, which is due to geometric effects at circular
apertures, and multiply the angular spread by s, then for the object resolution we
obtain δy =s · δω =λ ·NA, which is classically considered as the distance between
two object points that can still be considered separate. The number of object points
resolvable by the optics in both dimensions is therefore
N = [2 ·Y
∼ [Inv/λ]
i.e. it is characterised by the ratio of the geometric parameter Inv to the wavelength
of the light, the information carrier.
4.2.3 Space-Bandwidth Product
The reciprocal of the resolution 1/δy that appears in the definition of N has the
dimension of a spatial frequency lp/mm, which is why the variable N is also termed
the “space-frequency” product or more commonly the “space-bandwidth” product.
Its finite value expresses the fact that every optical system can only transfer a finite
amount of information, that is of resolved image points. To transfer as much optical
information as possible, therefore, it is necessary either to use light with a very short
wavelength and/or to take “fast” optical systems, i.e. with a high NA. For this reason
modern photolithography for the manufacture of computer chips with structures in
the sub-micrometre range uses extremely short wavelength light, i.e. “deep UV”, or
even X-rays, together with optics with an NA near the maximum value of 1. These
highly complex systems are masterpieces of engineering and have now reached the
limits of technical feasibility.
It is very interesting to see that N, due its dependence on Inv, also depends on the
amount of energy acquired, i.e. the suspected relationship between energy acquired
and information acquired, which is from the first and second laws of thermody-
namics, is evident. This is not really surprising, since the principles of optics stem
from thermodynamics. Ernst Abbe, often considered the founder of modern optics,