4.2 Optics and Mechanics 163
b = f (H, T, P) (4.2-6)
Thus the lens must be sufficiently robust to withstand all these influences in
order to produce a sufficiently sharp image under real or hypothetical conditions.
A modern treatment of the thermal problem, especially the quantitative treatment of
non-stationary thermal conditions, can be found in Leica (2003). Transmitting Power and f-Number
Photogrammetric lenses often bear cryptic designations such as 15/4 UAGS or 30/4
NATS in the case of Leica. Whereas the first number, here 15, indicates the focal
length in cm, the second number is the f-number, which is a measure of the transmit-
ting power of a lens, i.e., the light taken up by the objective lens. As shown earlier
on, the numerical aperture NA or NA’ forms part of this parameter. The f-number is
defined as:
f # = 1/(2 ·NA
) = s
/(2 · Y
) (4.2-7)
If an image is set to infinity, f# becomes f/(2 · Y
) = f/A, where A is the diameter
of EP (the entrance pupil). The smaller the f-number, the “faster” the optical system,
i.e., the greater its transmitting power. The opinion often voiced that the f-number is
calculated from the ratio of focal length to diameter of the first lens is correct only
if the EP is situated in the front lens. This normally holds for normal photographic
lenses, but not for photogrammetric lenses. The aperture ratio is also commonly
used as the reciprocal value of the f-number. For example, if f = 100 mm and
A = 25 mm, then
A : f =1:4 or
100 mm
25 mm
= 4. Angles on the Lens and Image Sides
Some characteristic optical operating parameters are dealt with below. But first, let
us consider Fig. 4.2-9, which shows the ideal case of an individual lens in which
both pupils coincide in the centre of the lens. Let the lens be set to “infinity”, such
that the distance between the image plane and the centre of the lens is the focal
length f and let a circular object field with diameter D be imaged on the image array
with diameter d. The rays drawn in the figure are the principal rays with which we
are familiar.
The intercept theorem applies
. (4.2-8)
The ratio f/h
corresponds to the image scale.