126 2 Foundations and Definitions
a function of the instantaneous position given in geographic coordinates (,).
From R
the navigation angles (r roll, p pitch, y yaw) are finally obtained. In the
case where attitude information from inertial navigation is used in photogrammetric
sensor orientation, the different definition of photogrammetric angles (i.e. ω,φ,κ)
has to be considered. This results in additional transformation steps. The transfor-
mation of navigation angles, the role of the Geoid and the influence of deflections
of the vertical are addressed in more detail in Section 4.9.2.
In order to solve the navigation equations in (2.10-21), initial values for the posi-
tion r
) , velocity v
) and attitude information R
) have to be provided. The
initial values for position and velocity are typically obtained from a static initiali-
sation on a known coordinated reference point or alternatively from GPS surveys.
In such stationary cases the vehicle has zero velocity with respect to the Earth. The
determination of the initial orientation of the system is more complex. As already
mentioned during discussion of stabilized platform systems versus strap-down sys-
tem design, the initial orientation in strap-down navigation has to be accomplished
strictly analytically. Thus a static alignment is performed where the components of
the gravity vector are sensed in the three accelerometer axes. If the system is tilted
from the horizontal, two levelling angles are obtained analytically from the rotation
to achieve zero acceleration measurements in the now levelled two accelerometers.
The heading alignment is then performed in the second step. Based on the mea-
surement of the Earth angular rate vector, the yaw angle is estimated analytically
from the rotation to obtain zero angular rate measurements within one of the two
already levelled angular rate sensors (so called gyro compassing). This zero angular
rate axis is then pointing towards the direction east, because the Earth angular rate
vector consists only of a north and vertical direction component. The whole static
alignment is typically performed as a two-step procedure – the so-called course
alignment first followed by a fine alignment afterwards. In the first step the pure
sensor signals are used for the rough alignment only, whereas in the refinement step
sensor errors are also estimated and taken into account besides orientation errors.
It has to be mentioned that the Earth angular rate signal is relatively weak com-
pared to the accuracy and noise of most of the gyros in current use. Thus gyro
compassing is not possible for medium or lower accuracy inertial navigation sys-
tems. The noise of the gyro measurements prevents convergence of yaw angle
determination. In such cases, the static alignment process is replaced by so-called
in-motion alignment techniques. Here external information on vehicle position and
velocity (typically provided by GPS) is used to obtain the initial orientation of the
inertial navigation system. This approach is based on the coupling of INS orienta-
tion errors with INS velocity errors, which are observable from the external GPS
The local topocentric coordinate frame and the navigation coordinate frame are both tangential
frames but differ in their axis directions. From the geodetic point of view, the local topocentric
frame is defined as an east–north–vertical (up) right-handed system, whereas the navigation frame
is a north–east–vertical (down) right-handed system. The relationship between these frames is
given as follows:
= R
(π,0, −
) · R