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n its latest Clean Energy Progress report the International Energy Agency (IEA) has
again highlighted the pernicious inuence of fossil-fuel subsidies on the continued
growth of the renewable energy sector.
According to the report, fossil fuels currently receive some US$312 billion in
consumption subsidies, versus $57 billion for renewable energy. And this is just one
of the issues which sees the competitiveness of renewable energy largely lag that of
their fossil-based rivals.
Certainly, renewable energy technologies are making visible progress – wind and
solar PV have achieved considerable success for instance – but achieving clean
energy goals will require a doubling of renewable energy use by 2020 and thus
renewable energy growth rates must be sustained in the long term. Furthermore, with
signs that austerity plans are weakening policy support, comes the observation that
fossil fuel-based energy development continues to outpace that of renewables.
Global renewable electricity generation since 1990 has grown at an average of 2.7%
per year, the IEA says, less than the 3% growth seen for total electricity generation.
Consequently, while in 1990 19.5% of global electricity was produced from
renewables, this had fallen to 18.5% by 2008.
But, as ever, global events continue to overtake policymakers and impacts on the
world’s energy complex – such as the surging oil price and renewed questions over
nuclear following the Japanese earthquake and tsunami – may yet accelerate a shift
in balance in favour of renewables.
Indeed, IEA Executive Director, Nobuo Tanaka, recently noted: ‘The age of cheap
energy is over. The only question now is, will the extra rent... go to an ever-smaller
circle of producers, or will it be directed back into the domestic economies of the
consumers, with the added benets of increased environmental sustainability?’
We explore some issues that inform this debate in this edition. For example on page
46 we take a look at the potential implications arising from disasters such as that in
Japan as we attempt to assess the potential cost benets of a distributed renewable
energy generation system.
To coincide with our own Renewable Energy World Europe conference and
exhibition, which takes place in Milan, Italy, on 7–9 June this year, we present an
overview of the country’s renewable energy scene on page 21, and on page 66 a
report on a new PV testing facility comparing 24 different technologies.
We also consider a possibly unlikely source of renewable energy technology
development in our feature on renewables in the military, beginning on page 58, and
take a look at a number of emerging technologies with a feature on the latest CSP
developments in Spain.
Please also look out for the two special supplements which are being published
together with this edition. In our latest Wind Technology we present all the latest in
the world of wind and this is joined by Large Scale Solar, a new publication which
provides detailed articles on this dramatically changing industry.
Renewables will no doubt continue to face fearsome challenges on their long road to
grid parity, and while there aren’t necessarily any short cuts, the path may have got
just that little bit easier.
David Appleyard
Chief Editor
Member, BPA Worldwide
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