quality standards in construction and operation, appropriate due
diligence and a willingness to engage with a host of different industry
players. But like renewables, insurers face their own challenges.
In the green energy sector, with many larger rms piling into the
industry to make short-term gains, competition on price is steadily
increasing. What many insurers fail to remember, however, are the
early 1980s, when brokers rushed to support the edgling wind
industry in North America.
Back then, technology, particularly with wind turbines, suffered
from numerous faults, and a general lack of awareness by the
insurance market into the complexities of turbines and the host of
potential pitfalls, resulted in a number of insurance companies ‘losing
their shirts’ and sparking a ight from the renewables sector back into
the relative safety of conventional power generation.
Without insurance, no bank, fund, or third
party investor will be able to raise the cash
to support a given project, and with the
insurance sector becoming ever more
competitive, insurers must push for quality
And whilst, yes, renewable technology has improved, substantially
in many cases, the green energy industry is still not without its issues,
and it is the insurance companies which ultimately bear the costs.
With insurance rates at an all time low and many more wanting to
‘play’ in the renewable energy space, it will only be a short matter
of time before the insurance market wakes up to the fact that it is
getting harder to make any reasonable prot from renewable energy.
On a macro level, Deepwater Horizon, the natural disasters in
the past 12 months in Australia, New Zealand and most recently,
Japan, will cause the insurance market billions of dollars in losses.
Undoubtedly, the insurance industry is going to need to nd additional
revenue streams to make up for these losses and, eventually, put up
insurance premiums.
But if developers feel uncomfortable about a squeeze on their
implementation costs, it’s worth a word of warning, with the old
adage of ‘buy cheap, buy twice’, often ringing true. Whilst some
insurers will offer very competitive products, developers should be
aware of the small print, which may exculpate any pay-out.
With a high degree of volatility in renewable energy operations,
developers should also ensure that they are covered from the
construction phase, where equipment is very easily damaged
in transit, right the way through to the operational phase, where
equipment failures can result in losses of power, and ultimately
revenue for energy providers. It will be those insurers that have a
heritage and track record in the space that will be able to support
the industry most effectively via an understanding of the market
complexities honed over a number of years.
What insurers, commensurately, need to bring to the table is an
added impetus by way of clearer thinking into how the insurance
behind projects can work most efciently.
Without an acceptance of higher future costs from developers,
and without continual innovation from insurers on how best to serve
the growing renewable market, the green energy industry could lose
one of its greatest facilitators, and further risk the delicate balance of
nancing, construction and risk management being unbalanced for
years to come.
Taking the effect of the Japanese earthquake and resulting tsunami
on an individual basis, the concerns caused by the problems with
the Fukushima nuclear plant will, however, raise concerns as to
the safety issues associated with nuclear facilities. Indeed, already
in Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel, has stated her intention to
expedite Germany away from a future reliance on nuclear power. The
question is, though, will this mean a return to coal or other forms
of conventional power generation, or can the European renewable
industry be strong enough to argue the case for further expansion for
Germany – a country already a long way ahead in renewable energy
technology? It will be interesting to speculate as to whether we will
ever see a day in which renewables usurp nuclear energy as the de
facto choice for energy security.
So where does this leave us? In the nal analysis, it is a shame that
the UK’s green bank will not be able to come into effect any earlier,
as with insurance premiums set to increase, the costs for bringing
renewable energy projects online will need to be mitigated through
external sources of funding.
Some would argue this is not fair or does not support the renewable
industry. Others would say the price of insurance has been way too
cheap for too long, driven by over capacity and a desire to compete
in a fashionable space.
Either way, lenders (be they government sponsored or not),
insurers, equity, developers, owners and operators need to continue
to push hard for quicker, more effective renewable energy growth.
Whilst it would be easier to write the latest UK budget off as having
failed the green energy sector, one could argue that it may well act
as a catalyst for renewables by proxy. With adequate support for a
resurgent skills base in marine engineering, there are opportunities to
kick-start a domestic UK supply chain entirely focused on renewable
energy, rather than investments in specic offshore projects.
With wider industry momentum, from manufacturing as well as
professional services, the sector should have the condence to
ensure that it continues to be a key part of the energy debate.
Problems at the Fukushima plant aside, a message has been
sent world’s large power generating companies and perhaps more
importantly to the public – renewables will have to play a key part
in the mix of power generation. No one has ever pretended that
renewables are the sole answer to the world’s energy crisis but more
than ever they are looking like a very logical part of the mix.
Fraser McLachlan is chief executive ofcer of underwriting
agency GCube Insurance.
e-mail: info@gcube-insurance.com
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Can the European renewable industry nd the
strength to argue the case for further expansion?
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