manufacturer SEPSA, which is concentrated on providing solar farm-
scale inverters. While this could increase how well these companies
serve their chosen segment, it will also make it harder for them to reduce
their costs. Also included in this class are those which have limited their
market geographically. For example, some Japanese companies have
decided to focus on their local market rather than tackle the challenge
of decreasing their costs to enter more competitive markets.
The remaining two classes are aggressively seeking to reduce their
manufacturing costs, and can be distinguished by exactly how they
seek to do this. The rst approach, extensive automation, is typied
by industry-leading German inverter specialist SMA Solar Technology.
‘SMA decided to automate, especially for the residential and small
commercial product portfolio,’ said Le Gouic. ‘There are actually very
few people in the facility. It’s advantageous for them, because PV
inverters, especially when they are very big, need lots of people for
assembly, testing and cleaning. By reducing the manpower needed at
each process step, such companies can successfully reduce costs.’
The nal inverter manufacturer class is made up of companies
establishing facilities in countries where labour costs are low, particularly
eastern Europe and China. With the European market still driving today’s
PV industry, such companies also frequently seek suitable contract
manufacturing partners in eastern Europe. Even Chinese players need
to be physically present where the demand for solar power-generating
technology is strong, so they have also been seeking local sales channels
and local distribution in Europe.
Payback time
These strategies have been developed largely as manufacturers
recognise PV inverters must be considered from the overall perspective
of electricity generation economics. ‘People don’t think “I want the
most efcient inverter”, “the cheapest inverter” or “the most reliable
inverter” any more,’ said Le Gouic. ‘People think “I want the quickest
return on investment time; whatever I invest, I get my payback as soon as
possible and then generate some cash”.’ This kind of thinking considers
a PV installation overall, balancing initial cost against overall revenue
and therefore total electrical output. Consequently, while fundamentals
like reliability, efciency and price remain important, PV inverters have
increasingly had to accommodate the specic challenges of generating
electricity from solar energy.
‘At the inverter level this means that manufacturers integrate
functionalities, like monitoring and efcient maximum power point
tracking (MPPT),’ he said. The rst embodiments of MPPT developed
were motorised tracking systems that follow the sun, typically used at
the utility scale.
While inverter manufacturers’ efciency expertise can minimise the
energy this movement consumes, MPPT increasingly exploits software
technology that can be deployed in all market segments. In these cases,
algorithms adapt circuit congurations to ensure maximum harvest is
maintained in the presence of complications like passing clouds, rain,
dust, wind and leaves falling on the panels.
To truly keep a system at its maximum power point, an MPPT
system should respond to these events immediately, although
this is difcult to achieve. ‘The faster and more accurate your MPPT is,
the better,’ he said.
Anti-theft and anti-re solutions, which rapidly communicate
changes in power output arising from such incidents, are two other
kinds of monitoring that inverters are increasingly incorporating. At the
residential level, microinverters are attracting a great deal of attention
in the US as a way homeowners can monitor their panels. These allow
users to access data on how much energy they have generated through
a web portal. ‘It looks great, but the technology is much more expensive.
They are twice or 2.5 times the price of a standard inverter,’ he added.
California-based Enphase is the leading exponent of microinverters. It is
now hoping to push its products in Europe, although Le Gouic expects
it will need to accommodate the strength of the cost driver in that
market to succeed.
While these additional technologies were initially adopted by
inverter manufacturers to differentiate themselves from each other they
are now becoming so widespread that they are almost standard. Yole
Développement estimates that more than 95% of inverter producers
now integrate such capabilities. ‘It’s very important as functionality, but
it’s also a marketing and commercial tool,’ said Le Gouic.
Individuality remains
Yet even as some common themes have developed in the PV industry,
many product features are still non-standard. ‘Engineering, procurement
and construction (EPC) contractors, integrators and installers say that
they are not asking for regular types of products for installation,’ he
said. One reason for this heterogeneity is that the standards for
connecting to electricity grids differ from country to country, obliging
companies to offer inverters to t each specication. The fact that each
company’s inverters are distinct from each other has also made them
less interchangeable. This means that major solar projects will only use
one company’s inverters, whereas just a few years ago there was more
scope for using multiple suppliers.
The number of inverter suppliers that have subsequently emerged
became especially useful during 2010, when some were hit by
shortages. Then, manufacturers of semiconductor devices and some
other component manufacturers were unable to meet the demand
from inverter makers. A simultaneous surge in orders rapidly created
a six-month lead time for inverter deliveries from many suppliers. Their
customers understandably turned to whichever manufacturer could
supply them rst, although in Europe keeping price to a minimum also
remained equally important.
One Chinese manufacturer in particular – Sungrow – was able to satisfy
both these needs and consequently penetrate the European market when
they might not otherwise have been able to. ‘They have a large power
range product portfolio, so they can cover any type of installation, plus
they are very cost competitive,’ said Le Gouic. ‘They beneted from this
shortage situation, starting dialogues with EPC contractors or integrators.
Now they have their network. A large amount of the money they have
they inject into R&D in China, it’s really very impressive.’ Power-One,
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