ast November saw the ofcial inauguration of a novel 272 kW solar
cogeneration project in California. At a ceremony attended by
former British Prime Minister Tony Blair at the Sonoma Wine Company,
the plant was hailed the rst commercial-scale installation of its kind,
combining proven photovoltaic and solar thermal technologies.
The work of Cogenra Solar, a provider of distributed solar
cogeneration systems and renewable energy service solutions, the
project now supplies renewable heat and electricity to the winery from
a single solar array, which Cogenra CEO Gilad Almogy describes as
‘an important move towards more affordable and efcient utilisation
of solar energy’.
‘This is a very signicant milestone for Cogenra as we bring
our rst project on-line in California’s wine country and toast to a
bright future with solar cogeneration. [The] technology merges
the best photovoltaic and solar thermal technologies to meet two
valuable industrial needs: low-cost heat and electricity. Our solution
produces ve times more energy and three times the greenhouse
gas reductions over traditional solar offerings,’ he said.
They are impressive claims. So, why is the technology relatively
undeveloped, compared to PV solar and PV thermal on their own?
And, moreover, why is Cogenra among only a handful of companies
worldwide to have focused on this potentially highly lucrative
business of reaping solar’s thermal and electric potential in a single,
composite component?
It is an area of solar development that Almogy believes is set
to grow exponentially. ‘The market is so large, and the technology
so new that there is little by way of competition,’ he told REW. ‘We
just have to reach out to customers. We have to get people thinking
not just about renewable electricity, but holistically about renewable
energy, encompassing both electricity and heat.’ The economic and
environmental benets speak for themselves, he says.
Ordinary PV systems convert only 15%–20% of the sun’s energy
into electricity. Conventional solar hot water (SHW) systems miss an
opportunity to generate electricity, which often has four times the
value of replacement natural gas (typically the cheapest fuel used to
heat water).
The thermodynamic advantages of exploiting PV and SHW
together in solar cogeneration are similar to those of exploiting
combined heat and power (CHP) in a conventional gas-red
cogeneration plant. CHP is more efcient than grid electricity
because the heat of a CHP plant is utilised rather than wasted.
However, such energy is not renewable power. CHP emits a wide
range of air pollutants, which subject the owner to increasingly strict
regulatory burdens and possible nes. Pollutants can include nitric
oxides, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), carbon monoxide, etc.
Further, CHP operating costs are vulnerable to increasing natural
gas prices. On the other hand, solar cogeneration surpasses CHP
because it generates renewable energy, hedges volatile gas prices,
and emits no pollutants. In addition, solar cogen can deliver up
to ve times more renewable energy and nearly twice the overall
economic value of a PV system of equivalent size.
Yet it was not until the mid-1990s that work began on developing
prototypes for PV/thermal combination systems. An entire decade
later in January 2005 the International Energy Agency (IEA) initiated
Task 35 – ‘PV/Thermal Solar Systems’ – as part of its Solar Heating
and Cooling (SHC) Programme.
The objectives of this three-year research programme were
principally to help develop and market commercially competitive PV/
thermal solar systems. Efforts soon divided into two camps, with
most research in Europe focused on combining PV with liquid-lled
collectors, while developers elsewhere combined PV with an air
-charged collector medium.
Toronto-based Conserval Engineering is in this second category,
developing a PV/T system based on its SolarWall air heating
technology. The company’s early efforts resulted in two of the world’s
most notable and widely publicised systems. First came the Beijing
Olympic Village, using a PV/T system sized for 10 kW of electricity
and 20 kW of thermal heating energy. A second system at the John
Molson School of Business at Concordia University in Montreal
featured a larger, 100 kW system, producing 24.5 kW of electricity
and more than 75 kW of thermal heating.
At the heart of PV/T technology is the principle that solar
radiation raises the temperature of PV modules, reducing their
electrical efciency. Typical PV modules lose about 0.5% of output
for every 1°C the temperature rises. The beauty of combining PV
and solar thermal is that cooling the PV modules raises efciency. By
proper circulation of a uid with a low inlet temperature, heat can be
extracted from the PV modules, maintaining the electrical efciency
at a satisfactory value. The extracted heat energy can be utilised in
several ways, increasing the total energy output of the system.
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