through which electrons pass with relatively little scattering. Rock and mineral
specimens prepared as for transmission electron microscopy (usually by ion-
beam thinning) can be used. Either an electron microprobe or SEM with an ED
spectrometer can be utilised for the analysis of such samples, but it is better to
use an analytical electron microscope (AEM), as described in Section 1.4.1,with
which spatial resolution of about 10 nm is possible.
ED analysis is used in this field because of the need for high detection
efficiency to compensate for the low X-ray intensity. Methods of spectrum
processing used for thick specimens are applicable (see Section 7.6). Somewhat
different considerations apply, however, to the conversion of peak intensities
into concentrations, because the intensities depend on specimen thickness,
which is difficult to determine. The usual approach is to derive concentration
ratios from relative peak intensities within the spectrum. This requires infor-
mation on the ‘sensitivity factor’ (intensity per unit concentration) for each
element. This can be deduced from the efficiency of X-ray generation, which
can be calculated from first principles, and the detection efficiency, which can
also be calculated given knowledge of the thickness of the detector window etc.
Alternatively a purely empirical calibration curve based on measurements on
specimens of known composition can be used (Cliff and Lorimer, 1975). For
sufficiently thin specime ns the effects of absorption, fluorescence, etc. can be
neglected, but in practice an absorption correction is often required for geological
samples containing elements such as Na and Mg. For further details, see Joy,
Romig and Goldstein (1986); and for a discussion of geological aspects, see
Champness (1995).
8.9.6 Fluid inclusions
The analysis of fluid inclusions is a challenging problem, but residues left after
opening fluid-containing cavities by cleaving or fracturing the host crystals can
be analysed (Eadington, 1974), as can crystals that coexist with the fluid
(Metzger et al., 1977; Anthony, Reynolds and Beane, 1974). The results are,
however, only semi-quantitative, owing to the effects of topographic irregu-
larity. Aqueous fluids can be analysed in situ if frozen. Initial freezing should
be rapid in order to minimise segregation of ice; the samples must then be kept
cold while the host crystals are cleaved or fractured, given a conducting coat-
ing, and transferred to a cold stage in the instrument. Ayora and Fontarnau
(1990) used standards consisting of frozen solutions containing different
known amounts of Na, K and Ca chlorides, for quantitative analysis of frozen
natural fluids of similar composition. The beam current must be low in order
to avoid damage to the sample.
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