8.1.2 Absorption corrections for light elements
For light elements, the absorption factor f() may be much less than 1, since
only a small fraction of the generated X-rays escapes. Lowering the accel-
erating voltag e decr eases the de pth of penetration of the ele ctr ons, a nd
reduces the amount of absorption, so for light elements an accelerating
voltage of 10 kV or less is advantageous. When the absorption correction is
large, the shape of the depth distribution of X-ray production, (z), is
crucial, and the inade quac y of the classi cal ZAF model in th e surface region
becomes serious: ‘phi–rho–z’ m odel s sho ul d th erefo re be u sed (S ect ion
7.7.2). It is also particularly important that the specimen should be smooth
and flat.
Mass absorption coefficients are problematic because there is a lack of data
in the long-wavelength region, and the interpolation formulae used for ‘nor-
mal’ wavelengths do not apply. Special tables have been produced (e.g. Henke,
Gullikson and Davis, 1993), but significant uncertainties still exist, especially
in the vicinity of the L and M edges of heavier elements.
8.1.3 Application of multilayers
The F Ka line is much more intense with a multilayer than with a TAP
crystal, though t he re is m ore overlap from n eighb ouri ng peaks such as Fe La
and secon d-o rder Mg Ka (Potts and Tindle, 1989). The O Ka intensity is also
much higher, which is advantageous for qua ntitati ve ox ygen a nalys is (N ash,
1992). Nitrogen gives relatively poor intensity, but can be determined in
feldspars containing ammonium ions (Beran, Armstr ong and Rossman,
1992). An important application of multilayers is to boron, for which high
intensities are obtainable (McGee and Anovitz, 1996). There is a strong
interference from Cl La, for which a correction is necessary. Analysis of
coal fo r carbon, oxygen and nitro gen has been desc ribed by B usti n,
Mastalertz and Wilks (1993).
Multilayers perform most effectively at medium Bragg angles: at low angles
the background intensity is high, whereas at high angles peak intensities are
low (with no compensating improvement in resolution). Excess low-angle
background is caused by specular reflection, which is especially marked for
certain elements, including B, Si and Zr, which have X-ray lines of very long
wavelength (Rehbach and Karduck, 1992). Pulse-height analysis can be used
to reduce this type of background.
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