346 Social Science for Counterterrorism: Putting the Pieces Together
voice to change circumstances people view as unfair—will make them
more dissatisfied than giving them no voice at all (Folger, 1977). Sim-
ilarly, the public’s perceived fairness of a decisionmaking process in
which they are involved has some influence on the degree to which
they will accept the outcome of that process (McComas et al., 2007).
If the public perceives that a real dialogue has taken place—in which
the organization shares their goals, listens to them, and empathizes
with them—empirical research suggests that they are more likely to
believe they have benefited from the relationship, which in turn makes
members of the public more likely to support the organization (Brun-
ing, Dials and Shirka, 2008).
Two other recent studies evaluated the efforts an organization
might take boost the element of trust in public relationships. e
first (Rawlins, 2007) divided “transparency” with the public into four
elements—accountability, sharing of information, lack of secrecy, and
stakeholder participation—and measured their effects on relational
trust. Accountability had the strongest effect on trust, followed by
the sharing of information; the other two factors had only weak or
insignificant effects. e second study, a university experiment (Baksh-
Mohammed, Choi, and Callison, 2007), evaluated an organization’s
involvement in acts of goodwill (charity) on perceived credibility.
Although the charitable action had a positive effect on credibility, this
effect disappeared during crisis situations—in other words, when cred-
ibility would presumably be needed the most.
In sum, the literature recommends that communication relation-
ships with the public be initiated early, focus on communicating a few
key positive behaviors, have meaningful public involvement and dia-
logue, and exhibit both accountability and information sharing.
Relationships with Strategic Partners and Key Stakeholders.
Partners and stakeholders in CT/COIN strategic communications—
e.g., community leaders, local security forces, or nongovernmental
organizations—can critically affect long-term communications suc-
cess. Good local partners can provide cultural feedback on the appro-
priateness of particular messages and secure access to media channels
and other resources. With good relationships, community leaders will
also express their disapproval privately to community liaisons rather