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instance, that an organization has up to 12 hours after a story breaks
to gain control of the message (Gainey, 2006; Small, 1991)—most lit-
erature discusses the benefits of speed in relative terms, that is, get-
ting the organization’s “story” out faster than competing narratives.
However, greater response speed may have drawbacks. A recent experi-
ment involving journalists (Arpan and Pompper, 2003) found that if
an organization rushes to break a story to the media before the media
discovers the story from a third party, the media will rate the organiza-
tion as more credible, but the media will also be more interested in the
story than it would have been otherwise.
Response to Rumors and Disinformation. is type of response
has always been a necessary part of wartime strategic communications;
for instance, the failure to rebut rumors of U.S. germ warfare during the
Korean War (in the mistaken belief that the rumors would disappear
on their own) has been considered a clear mistake (Shaw, 1999). Coali-
tion forces in Iraq were the subject of potentially damaging rumors (for
example, that U.S. soldiers distribute pornography to children) as early
as the spring of 2003 (Hendon and Holton, 2003).
e literature on rumor psychology, and more specifically rumor
management, offers a number of useful insights. A meta-analysis of
prior theory and empirical research (Rosnow, 1991) identified three
necessary factors for the dissemination of rumor: general uncertainty
about the rumored issue, high personal anxiety levels, and the believ-
ability of the particular rumor. Consequently, rumors and enemy dis-
information can be attacked by weakening any of these three factors
(for example, offering greater information to the public to quell uncer-
tainty, or attacking the credibility of a rumor source). Not surprisingly,
spokespersons perceived as honest are most effective in reducing rumor
anxiety and believability; although a more knowledgeable or high-
status spokesperson will further enhance this effectiveness, knowledge
and status alone are insignificant in the absence of perceived honesty
(Bordia, DiFonzo and Schulz, 2000).
Other survey-based research (DiFonzo and Bordia, 2000) con-
cluded, among other findings, that two strategies—rumor-control
hotlines and denial of rumors by trusted third parties—are generally
underused relative to their perceived effectiveness. Vigorous refutations