How Does Terrorism End? 295
as health care, education, and public safety, and the market is an inefficient provider
of income and insurance, voluntary religious organizations act as “mutual insurance
clubs” where the membership provides the access to these services in exchange for
costly commitment signals in the form of sacrifices demanded by the membership.
(For economic explanations of the influence of religious-political organizations, see
also Berman, 2000; Chen, 2003; Gill and Lundsgaarde, 2004.) e latter feature
also makes these groups excellent potential militias—as demonstrated by the experi-
ence of such groups as Hamas, Hizballah, and the Taliban—as it ensures the com-
mitment of members that is crucial for effective functioning of militias (see Berman,
2003). e implication is that an efficient market economy and a functioning secu-
lar state providing basic public goods pose a threat to these affiliations as they reduce
the need for their services and raise the opportunity cost of membership. However,
to be effective, social services must be provided both to members and nonmembers
without discrimination, as any exclusion would create incentives for membership
(Berman, 2003). Although this analysis suggests the potential effectiveness of social-
service provision by the government in undercutting support for such groups, it also
implies that the latter are likely to resist fiercely any such effort by the state. In fact,
terrorism may not be the original or even primary purpose for the existence of these
groups and may be employed precisely to ward off such threats to the groups’ exis-
tence. Ronfeldt (2005) and McCallister (2005) point to the existence of very similar
incentive structures in traditional tribal societies that seem to be fueling terrorism
and insurgency by al-Qaeda and their affiliates. (For additional relevant insights, see
also Diego Gambetta’s excellent analysis of the Sicilian Mafia’s protection business
[Gambetta, 1993].)
is an argument that government’s social policies, as they involve transfer
of resources, may play into the hands of terrorists by increasing their capacity to
organize terror. A recent pooled time-series analysis provides evidence that, on bal-
ance, social-welfare policies reduce international and domestic terrorism (Burgoon,
2006). Although the study does not directly address the link between these policies
and public support, it does find that welfare policies are associated with less poverty,
income inequality, economic insecurity, and religious extremism—all thought to be
the correlates of public support. However, it seems logically necessary to us that, to
effectively undermine support for the terrorist organization, social-services provi-
sion by governments must compete with that by the terrorists—that is, the terrorists
should not be allowed to take credit for those services.
Such was the case in Uruguay when the military toppled the liberal democratic
government, crushed the Tuparamos, and remained in power. Russia’s brutal war
in Chechnya is, arguably, another example of the success of repression strategy by
an increasingly strong and autocratic state. is comparative advantage of strong
autocracies over democratic polities seems to explain why oppositional terrorism
rarely takes root in strong authoritarian societies.
e end of the Cold War is a case in point. e failure of the Socialist bloc not
only led to curtailment of external aid to terrorist groups worldwide from the Soviet