Disengagement and Deradicalization: Processes and Programs 311
e time at which this decision point occurs will differ in accordance
with each individual’s calculation of his own investment and rewards.
is calculation is also likely to differ in accordance with the roles and
responsibilities of the individual within the group. Jeff Victoroff (2005,
p. 33) has observed that leaders are psychologically distinct from fol-
lowers. is may be reflected in the fact that group leadership is gener-
ally more stable than group membership. Other scholars have observed
that leaders and followers have different levels of commitment, differ-
ent interests, and even different goals (Crenshaw, 1981; Chai, 1993). In
addition, terrorism is a group phenomenon and an attempt to under-
stand the process of deradicalization from only the individual perspec-
tive is one-sided. Further, just as the individual’s decisions are nested in
a group context, the radical group is nested within a specific political,
economic, and cultural context. Hence, just as radicalization pathways
are somewhat context-specific, so too are deradicalization pathways
likely to be affected by the political-economic and sociocultural con-
text in which the individual and group are nested.
Despite the myriad possibilities for variation, several common
themes with potential implications for counterterrorism stand out in
the existing literature. Given the cited importance of relationships with
role models in the decision to reject violence, Garfinkel’s (2007) obser-
vation that the decision to deradicalize was often an individual one is
more likely attributed to necessity than to choice. e “reeducation”
efforts of state deradicalization programs as well as their focus on the
detainees’ families seem more in line with our understanding of the
important role that social and familial ties have on identity, values,
and beliefs, as well as on an individual’s extracurricular activities. If
any area of terrorism studies can be said to have reached a level of con-
sensus, it is the role of social networks in contributing to both recruit-
ment and radicalization (Sageman, 2004, 2008; Bakker, 2006; Heg-
ghammer, 2006a, 2006b; and Cragin, Chalk, Grant, Helmus, Temple
and Wheeler, 2006). It is therefore extremely likely that this particu-
lar factor will also play a key role in deradicalization. Bjorgo (2006)
emphasizes the double-bind of having to leave one’s new social group
behind while having no new social ties to sustain the decision to dis-
engage at the other end. Decker and Van Winkle (1996) underscored