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messages may also generate interest but falter on understandability and
credibility. Simple visuals (particularly graphic visuals) may represent
an effective combination of vividness and persuasiveness (Borzekowski
and Poussaint, 1999, 2000).
Peer Versus Nonpeer Spokespersons. A final issue spanning both
mid-term and long-term objectives is whether, and how, to deliver mes-
sages to an audience through their peers. Given the cultural divide
between the U.S. and foreign strategic publics, this issue is of particular
importance for CT/COIN efforts. ere is a diverse theoretical basis
justifying the use of peers in persuasion. For instance, when encour-
aging positive behaviors among an audience, stages of change theo-
ries (DiClemente and Prochaska, 1985) suggest that the most effective
role models are just one stage beyond that of the target audience and
therefore in a position to explain how they were able to take the next
incremental step toward the desired behavior (for example, transition-
ing from merely thinking about leaving a terrorist support network to
actually doing so) (Maibach and Cotton, 1995).
e general benefit of using peer spokespersons has been con-
firmed in many empirical studies. As discussed above, crisis spokes-
persons are more effective when they resemble their audience (Arpan,
2002). Early persuasion research (Brock, 1965) also found that mes-
sengers who are similar to members of the target audience are more
persuasive than dissimilar messengers, even if the latter are perceived as
more knowledgeable. For antiviolence messages, spokespersons similar
to the audience also score higher on attention, interest, and credibil-
ity than even well-known authority figures (Borzekowski and Pous-
saint, 1999, 2000). e limited research on antigang advertising has
also found that antigang messages delivered by actual and former gang
members were judged the most influential by both current gang mem-
bers and individuals at high risk of joining gangs (Chapel, Peterson,
and Joseph, 1999; Lafontaine, Ferguson, and Wormith, 2005).
However, peer spokespersons may not always be preferable. Addi-
tional research on this topic has found that messages delivered by simi-
lar sources may be best at reinforcing normative or value judgments
(for example, that terrorism is wrong), whereas messages delivered by
dissimilar sources are best at reinforcing factual beliefs (Goethals and