Bibliography 7
Terence P. Scoffin, An introduction to Carbonate Sediments
and Rocks (1987), is a well-illustrated, easy-to-read book
about limestones and dolostones. Both Albert V. Carozzi,
Carbonate Rock Depositional Models: A Microfacies Approach
(1989), an extensively illustrated treatise of the author’s
ideas about the geneses of carbonate-rich sedimentary
rocks; and Richard J. Reeder (ed.), Carbonates: Mineralogy
and Chemistry (1983), a collection of summaries that deal
with the carbonates, including calcite, are written at the
professional level.
A general description of dolomites is provided in
B.H. Purser, M.E. Tucker, and D.H. Zengerand (eds.),
Dolomites (1994). Terence P. Scoffin, An intr oduction to
Carbonate Sediments and Rocks (1987), is a well-illustrated,
easy-to-read book about limestones and dolostones. A
review article by Laurence A. Hardie, “Dolomitization:
A Critical View of Some Current Views,” in Journal
of Sedimentary Petrology , 57(1):166–183 (1987), empha-
sizes the problems involved with accepting the most
commonly embraced models of dolomitization and
concludes that direct precipitation models (among other
things) should receive more attention and study. Vijai
Shukla and Paul A. Baker, Sedimentology and Geochemistry
of Dolostones (1988), a collection of symposium papers,
covers organogenic dolomites and the geochemis-
try of dolomite textures. John K. Warren, Evaporite
Sedimentology: impo rtance in Hydrocarbon Accumulation
(1989), includes a chapter on dolomites and dolomiti-
zation, a good recent summary of the pertinent data
and hypotheses; the bibliography includes most of the
noteworthy articles published in English. Bruce Purser,
Maurice Tucker, and Donald Zenger, Dolomites: A Volume