2. Joining of plastic windows with metal frames
with high leak tightness.
3. Metallic pins at heavily and often loaded
hinges in plastic components, e.g. cell phones.
Besides having improved durability, the joint
also ensures higher product quality.
4. Mounting of plastic components on metal
5. Plastic components with metallic inserts. The
mechanical load can be absorbed by the
mechanical part to reinforce the compound.
The main considerations of the process are:
1. Accessibility of the laser radiation to the com-
ponent to be heated;
2. Different temperature stability of both com-
3. Maximum size of the components;
4. Geometry with positive locking.
Table 10-1 shows some exemplified bonds.
Warm forming with laser radiation is a promising
technique to enable new processes or enlarge the
processing limits of conventional processes. In
comparison to other production technologies like
lithography, no additional operations are neces-
sary. Elevated temperatures of the workpiece
material lead to a reduction of the yield stress
and an increase of the forming-ability. As heat
source laser radiation is applicable, making a fast
heating of selected areas of the workpiece is pos-
sible. The demand towards reproducible and high
quality process results requires the accurate mea-
surement of occurring temperatures during the
forming operation, which can be achieved by the
employment of a pyrometer. The system technol-
ogy, the process basics as well as exemplified
applications have been shown for the processes
of stamping, hot embossing and LIFTEC
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CHAPTER 10 Laser-Assisted Micro-Forming 173