Index terms Links
Water hammer (Continued)
and gate valve closure 147
and pipe wall thickness 93
theory of 140
Water meters
accuracy of 613
blunders, avoiding 835
calibration of 55
types in open channels 47 618
types in pipe 612
Water pumping station design examples
distribution booster pumping station 563
Jameson Canyon Raw Water Pumping Station 816
Maxwell Deep Well Pumping Station 553
raw water pumping station 504
water booster pumping station 328
Water pumping stations
air and vacuum valves for 133
application, high-service 632
aqueduct intake 544
blunders, avoiding 827
booster 560
check valves for 123
construction costs of 855
controlling hydraulic transients in 156
cross-connection checklist 940
design considerations 773
flow and pressure requirements 529
hydraulic constraints 771
hydrocarbon monitors 620
instrumentation and control 630
Jameson Canyon Raw Water Pumping Station,
design of 816
motors for 420
pipe selection 70 79