Index terms Links
Storm drainage, piping for 105
Strain gauge and capacitance transmitters 612
Structural design
abbreviations 792
ACI 350 code 794
adjacent structures 800
anchors 799
architectural considerations 743
blunders, avoiding 837
building materials, STC ratings for 696
caissons 496
concrete mix design 795
design checklist 938
design criteria and analysis 793
design of, detailed layout phase 500
design parameters 792
detailing reinforcement 799 836
dynamic analysis of buildings 644 794
geotechnical considerations 792
materials of construction 759
standards and codes for 929
tremie seal 496
vibration of 656 662 689 794 837
waterstops 796
watertightness 796
Stuffing box cover 289
Submersible pumps
advantages-disadvantages 339 772
blunders, avoiding 830
cables 772 831
centrifugal 282 285
close-coupled, design of 292
construction costs of 854
depth of wet wells for 755
discharge elbows for 755