Voltage Transformers
for worldwide cooperation
BA THS / BU Transmission Systems and Substations
LEC Support Programme
Ferro resonance in a magnetic VT
The ferro resonance for a magnetic VT is an oscillation between
the inductance of the VT and the capacitance of the network. Fer-
ro resonance can only occur at ungrounded networks, but note
the risk that some part becomes ungrounded under certain cir-
An oscillation is normally triggered by a sudden change in the
network voltage. Ferro resonance phenomenon can occur both
with sub-harmonic frequencies or with harmonic frequencies.
Generally it is difficult to state when a risk of ferro-resonance oc-
curs but as soon a a system with a voltage transformer is left un-
grounded under some circumstances, preventive actions should
be taken (also consider the risk of capacitive charged systems
with a VT).
The damping of ferro-resonance is normally done with a 27-60 Ω,
200 W resistor connected across the open delta winding. The re-
sistor value should give a current as high as possible but a cur-
rent below the thermal rating of the voltage transformer.
erro resonance in a capacitive VT
The CVT with its capacitor and IVT is by itself a ferro-resonance
circuit. The phenomena is started by a sudden voltage change. A
sub-harmonic oscillation can be started and must be damped to
prevent damage of the transformer.
The IEC standard specifies that CVT´s must be provided with fer-
ro-resonance damping devices. Normally this consists of a satu-
rating reactor and a resistor in each phase.
Secondary fuses should be provided at the first box where the
three phases are brought together. The circuit before the first box
from the terminal box is constructed to minimize the risk of faults
in the circuit. Any fuse in the terminal box is preferable not used
as the voltage transformer supervision is difficult to perform then
and the fuses in the three phase box is still provided to enable a
fusing of the circuits to different loads like protection and meter-
ing circuit.