Sub-divided Systems
for worldwide cooperation
BA THS / BU Transmission Systems and Substations
LEC Support Programme
avoided. The simple reason is that security is always lost and the
total reliability is dependent on both security and dependability.
Most unwanted trippings in sub-stations are proven to be depen-
dent of human mistakes. A basic principle at protection system
design should thus be to design the protection system simplest
possible but fulfilling the single failure criteria.
The design shall be such that human mistakes are avoided and
this includes mistakes during all stages of a project from basic
design where guide-lines are set, through detailed design stage,
erection, commissioning and maintenance.
It must be remembered that the life-time total cost of a plant is to
a big part including cost for service and maintenance and also
cost for availability. The cost of an unnecessary tripping can be
much higher than the initial cost increase to include some extra
equipment. Unnecessary equipment and complications should
thus be avoided.