BA THS / BU Transmission Systems and Substations
LEC Support Programme
during normal load, and also fulfils above requirement since fault
and load currents are not in phase, and as load transmitting pos-
sibility is limited because the voltage has collapsed. A check with
different k values and setting 30 MVA shows that k = 0.2 is a suit-
able value.
8) Select setting of relay E.
In this case relay E is required to be selective to relay D although
disconnecting the same line. Only the breaker closest to the fault
may trip as stations are unmanned with quite a distance between.
E relay is set to I
= 34 MVA which gives margin for differences
in current transformers and relays. Time curve k=0.3 gives selec-
tivity to relay D. Time margin 0.3 sec. with max fault current at sta-
tion B.
9) Setting of relay F delayed stage.
Relay F shall be set on I
≥ I
+ I
(other object) and >
1.4-1.5 • In for the transformer. Note that at maximum service two
transformers are connected in parallel. Fault current will also be
split up between two transformers at maximum service but at
minimum service only one transformer is feeding.
Set I
= 60 MVA k=0.4 which gives a suitable curve.
10) Select setting of relay F instantaneous stage.
Instantaneous stage is set as under item 6.
Set I
= 1.2 -1.18*345 MVA = 490 MVA.
11) Set directional short circuit protection relays G. Protection G
are intended to operate for fault current fed from parallel trans-
former for a fault in one transformer low voltage bay. Relays must
operate selective to relay F for all occurring fault current fed from
parallel transformer (Maximum 690/2 MVA)
Protection has an operating angle of 60° and can be set on rated
power of transformer or even below if required.
Set I
= 40 MVA t = 0.4 sec. which gives time selectivity to pro-
tection on high voltage side (F) for all fault currents.
12) Setting is now completed and all settings can be calculated
in current for the appropriate voltage level and then to secondary
current for setting of the relay. Minor adjustments might be nec-
essary if settings are not steplessly. The required time margin be-
tween selective relays is checked according to item 2.2.4.
Required time difference will be (simplified).
This is fulfilled for all steps.