Setting of Protection
for worldwide cooperation
BA THS / BU Transmission Systems and Substations
LEC Support Programme
will operate for earth-faults as well. It is then checked that a short
circuit protection, measuring phase component of fault current,
will not have shorter operating time than the earth-fault protection
at the same location, for an earth-fault.
of the protection relays of several zones, all of which may re-
spond to a given fault. These protection relays can be either time
or current selective or a mixture of both.
Examples of RELATIVE SELECTIVE protection relays are
- Distance protection back-up zones
- Overcurrent protection
- Earth-current protection
- Overload protection
-Voltage protection
For these protection relays selectivity plans are made as they op-
erate for faults in a big part of the power system and disconnect
the faulty part only by grading of current, voltage and time setting.
Most types of faults initiate several protection relays in above
groups. For example, short circuits with earth connection can ini-
tiate overcurrent protection, earth current protection, overload
protection, differential protection, negative sequence protection
and undervoltage protection dependent on fault location, type of
earthing and the protection system provided.
Diagram or table showing the operating times and corresponding
actuating quantities or fault positions for the selective protection
relays of a network.
The purpose of the SELECTIVITY PLAN is to coordinate the re-
lay settings so that:
- faulty equipment is tripped as fast as possible
- the least possible disturbance is obtained for healthy equipment
- a back-up protection is obtained if a main protection or its break-
er fails to trip.
The selectivity plan is performed in a similar way for short circuit
and earth-fault protection relays. In a solidly earthed system an
intercheck between earth-fault and short circuit protection relays
operating times must be made as short circuit protection relays
often will operate for earth-faults as well. It is then checked that a
short circuit protection, measuring phase component of fault cur-