Dam, to the east of the Cascades at an elevation of 518 m, receives only 274.3 mm
(10.8 in.).
An example of the synoptic pattern relating to events in western Washington and
Oregon is shown in Fig. 7 (Lackmann and Gyakum, 1999). The 46-case composite
corresponds to days in which at least 12.5 mm of precipitation falls on each of the
four stations shown in Fig. 7d, and in which the maximum temperature exceeded
C for each of the lowland stations and 5
C for Stampede Pass. The southwesterly
geostrophic flow in the region of the precipitation exists from the surface to 500 hPa.
The composite surface low in the Gulf of Alaska has an upper-level counterpart with
a planetary-scale trough that extends throughout the Pacific Ocean. Figure 8 shows
anomalously strong 500-hPa southwesterly flow prior, during, and after the event.
This strong flow extends from the subtropical regions of the Pacific to Oregon,
Washington, and British Columbia.
An extreme case of heavy rains along the western Nor th American coast in late
1996 was par t of a 2-week regime in which 250 to 1000 mm of rain fell, with
economic damage of up to $3 billion. The large-scale SLP and 1000–500-hPa
layer mean temperature fields for 1200 UTC, December 31, 1996 (Fig. 9), appear
very similar to those shown in Figure 7, with a deep planetary-scale trough covering
much of the south-central North Pacific Basin. The coldest tropospheric anomaly
corresponds to the stratospheric intrusion of high-PV (potential vorticity) air seen as
the dark region extending southwestward from the comma cloud of Figure 10. This
long plume of large PV provides forcing for the 960-hPa surfa ce cyclone seen in
Figure 9. As pointed out by Lackmann and Gyakum (1999), these cyclonic distur-
bances are responsible for transporting the subtropical water vapor from marine
areas near Hawaii directly toward the west coast of North America.
Snowfall may occur in ascending regions of surface cyclones and regions of
frontogenesis. However, especially large snows are strongly affected by topography.
One example o f such a strong topographic influence on snowfall is that of the lake
effect snowfalls. The most prominent region of North America that is affected by
these snowfalls is that of the Great Lakes. However, any comparably large body of
water in extratropical latitudes exerts a similar influence on the surrounding region.
The Great Salt Lake in Utah and James Bay in Quebec are two other examples of
North American lake effect regions.
Figure 11, derived from Eichenlaub’s (1979) work and in turn printed in the
review article by Niziol et al. (1995), shows the mean annual snowfall climatology
for the Great Lakes. The amounts vary from less than 50 cm in the southern region to
nearly 500 cm in regions east and south of Lake Superior. The existence of both the
Great Lakes and orography controls the variability of these climatological snowfalls.
The lake effect snowfall of December 17–19, 1985, which affected the Buffalo, New
York, area, was typical of the associated large-scale conditions. The environment
was characterized by a deep surface cyclone that traveled well to the north and east
of the affected region (Fig. 12), in this case a 968-hPa low located between Green-
land and Labrador. This low, combined with a 1040 surface anticyclone over the
Dakotas, advected bitterly cold air directly over the Great Lakes. The 1000–500-hPa
mean temperature over Lakes Superior, Michigan, and Huron was about 20
C colder