than the climatological average. The tropospheric air was about 12
C colder than the
mean in Buffalo. Despite the fact that the most substantial synoptic-scale ascent
typically is located to the north and east of a developing surface low, owing to a
favorable combination of warm advection and cyclonic vorticity effects, extremely
large snowfall rates in excess of 5 cm=h were observed in the Buffalo area. Several
factors contributed to such an extreme snowfall rate. These include large-scale
ascent associated with a strong upper-level trough. Within this environment, several
crucial mesoscale conditions amplify the response to this advection. First, the cold
air traveling over the relatively warm waters will hydrostatically destabilize the air.
Second, the evaporation of water vapor from the lakes wi ll saturate the air, so that the
effective hydrostatic stability will be reduced even further.
Additional physical processes are respon sible for enhancing the snow. These
include the development of a surface trough (Fig. 12) that provides the larger-
scale ascent necessary to trigger moist convection in the presence of instability.
The existence of sensible heat transfer from the unfrozen lakes to the atmosphere
contributes to ascent. Additionally, the differential roughness between the lakes and
the surrounding land will creat e low-level convergence areas with accompanying
ascent. Often, as in the case of the December 17–19, 1985, event, mesoscale bands
of heavy snow will develop (Fig. 13), and a key forecast problem is to predict the
existence and movement of such band(s).
Freezing rain events can have devastating impacts on economic infrastructure.
The synoptic environment of freezi ng rain is characterize d typically by a surface
extratropical cyclone advecting warm, moist air above relat ively shallow, cold air
masses. Areas that experience persistent shallow, cold air are therefore prone to
freezing rain. Especially susceptible regions include larger valleys and basins.
Cortinas (2000) has documented the mean synoptic conditions for freezing rain
events in the Great Lakes region. Figure 14 illustrates that freezing rain occurs to the
northeast of a surface cyclone that advects warm, moist air poleward from either the
Gulf of Mexico or the Atlantic Ocean. Typically, the air to the northeast of the low
had been associated with a prior cold-air outbreak. The temperature stratification
becomes very stable (Fig. 15), as the warm, moist air travels above the relatively cold
dense near-surface air. As Figure 15 shows, the lowest layer during a freezing rain
event is characterized by an inversion with near-surface air that is less than 0
C, with
a deep layer of air aloft that is greater than 0
C. The strong inversion helps to prevent
any turbulent mixing of the warm air aloft down to the surface. Furthermore, the
stratification decreases markedly above the inversion, to the extent that nearly moist
adiabatic conditions in the free atmosphere may exist. The implication for precipita-
tion amounts is that substantial ascent, or even convection, may occur in these upper
weakly stratified layers. The lowest-layer air is typically from the east or northeast,
and this reinforces the inversion with cold-temperature advection from the down-
shear polar air mass. The wi nds at the top of the inversion are typically warm and
moist and blowing from the southwest. Therefore the vertical wind shear reinforces
the temperature inversion.
An extreme example of such an event occurred during January 5–9, 1998, when
an ice storm deposited greater than 100 mm of predominantly freezing rain in south-