dynamical principles of continuous adjustment to preserve nearly balanced flow. The
forcing, the wind and temperature patterns that imply upward motion, is rather
complicated when expressed mathematically, and several versions of the equation,
some involving simplifying assumptions, are in use. The most common qualitative
application roughly equates upward motion with the sum of two terms, one propor-
tional to the vertical derivative of vorticity advection and the other proportional to
the temperature advection. The first term tends to dominate in the upper troposphere
and implies upward motion ahead of an upper-level trough and downward motion
behind it. The second term tends to dominate in the lower troposphere and implies
upward motion ahead of the surface cyclone (where warm advection is typically
found) and downward motion behind it. Between the upper-level trough and the
surface cyclone, it will be noted that the two terms are of opposite sign, leading to
difficulty in inferring the vertical motion field there using this method. With the
increasing use of computers, many of these simplifying assumptions are being
discarded in favor of explicit mathematical calculation of the vertical motion forcing,
but the qualitative interpretation is still essential for relating the vertical motion field
to the large-scale features in the lower and upper troposphere.
In contrast to the simultaneous treatment of winds, temperatures, and vertical
motion, cyclogenesis can also be understood from a dynamical point of view in
terms of potential vorticity. Indeed, the basic theoretical paradigm for cyclogenesis,
known as baroclinic instability, requires a potential vorticity gradient aloft opposite
in orientation to the surface potential temperature gradient as a necessary condition
for instability. Cyclogenesis itself, by any mechanism, requires an increase in the
integrated perturbation potential vorticity and=or surface perturbation potent ial
temperature in the vicinity of the surface cyclone. Baroclinic instability accom-
plishes this by having two waves exist simultaneously, one on the surface potential
temperature gradient and the other on the upper-tropospheric potential vorticity
gradient; if the two waves are of large enough horizontal scale and the upper one
is upshear of the lower one, the circulation associated with each wave causes the
other wave to intensify. Other mechanisms for growth that do not involve instability
include rearrangement (specifically, compaction) of potential vorticity by horizontal
shear, and a decrease in the vertical tilt between the upper and lower perturbations.
Using the electrostatics analogy, the instability mechanism involves increasing the
electric charge, while the other two mechanisms involve rearranging the electric
charge into a compact area. The potential vorticity approach and the omega equation
approach are mutually consistent and complementary.
A meteorologist looks at the surface weather map to see the current weather but
looks at an upper-tropospheric map to understand the current weather. The up per-
tropospheric map, generally the 500-mb constant-pressure surface or above, shows
the meteorologist the upper-level featu res associated with the current vertical motion