In addition to the horizontal wind variations mentioned earlier, a front that is
nearly in geostrophic and hydrostratic balance will be associated with significant
vertical wind shear. Recall from the introduction to this section that because of the
relationships between pressure and temperature on the one hand and pressure and
wind on the other, a horizontal temperature gradient implies vertical shear of the
horizontal wind. Since a front is a zone of concentrated temperature gradient, the
vertical wind shear (or thermal wind) is large there too. The shear vector is oriented
such that winds aloft will tend to blow parallel to the front with cold temperatures to
the left and warm temperatures to the right. Because of the interrelationship between
wind shear and temperature gradient, an upper-level jet stream is often located
directly above a deep surface or upper-level front.
Because wind shear tends to improve the ability of midlatitude convection to
organize itself into convective systems or supercells, the wind shear of a front is one
reason severe weather tends to be locat ed near fronts. A second reason for convec-
tion, and clouds in general, near fronts is the vertical motion that tends to be
associated with fronts. This upward motion is not due to warm air being forced
upward by cold air; it is a consequence of the atmosphere attempting to stay within
In an intensifying synoptic-scale front, deformation and convergence is causing
the magnitude of the temperature gradient to increase. At the same time, by means
that will not be explained here, the deformation acts to reduce the vertical wind
shear, even though the vertical wind shear would have to increase to remain within
balance. The resulting imbalance between the pressure gradient force and Coriolis
force produces accelerations: At low levels the air accelerates from the cold side of
the front toward the warm side, and aloft the air accelerates from the warm side of
the front toward the cold side. An ageostrophic circu lation is thereby established, and
mass continuity demands upward motion on the warm side of the front and down-
ward motion on the cold side in order to complete the circulation cell . The horizontal
ageostrophic flow, once it reaches finite magnitude, causes an acceleration to the
right by the Coriolis force, eventually producing an increase in the vertical shear.
Meanwhile, the vertical motion is acting to cool the air through ascent on the warm
side of the front and warm it through descent on the cool side of the front, thereby
acting to reduce the horizontal temperature gradient. This vertical circulation is
called a direct circulation because relatively warm air rises and relatively cold air
sinks; the opposite circulation, which is found when fronts are weakening, is called
Here, then, is the true ‘‘battle’’ within a front: The balanced flow is acting in one
sense, and the unbalanced (ageostrophic) flow is acting in precisely the opposite
sense! The net effect is that both the vertical wind shear and horizontal temperature
gradient increase. By assuming that the ageostrophic circulation is precisely as
strong as it has to be to maintain thermal wind balance, the horizontal ageostrophic
and vertical motions can be diagnosed purely from the rate of frontogenesis
(strengthening of the tem perature gradient across an air parcel), using the so-
called Sawyer–Eliassen equation. This constant adjustment, as the air attempts to
keep up with thermal wind balance, is the primary cause of the vertical motion and