primary bow therefore requires drops with refractive index less than 2; a secondary
bow requires drops with refractive index less than 3. If raindrops were composed of
titanium dioxide (n 3), a commonly used opacifier for paints, primary rainbows
would be absent from the sky and we would have to be content with only secondary
If we take the refractive index of water to be 1.33, the scattering angle for the
primary rainbow is about 138
. This is measured from the forward direction (solar
point). Measured from the antisolar point (the direction toward which one must look
in order to see rainbows in nature), this scatteri ng angle corresponds to 42
, the basis
for a previous assertion that rainbows (strictly, primary rainbows) cannot be seen
when the sun is above 42
. The secondary rainbow is seen at about 51
from the
antisolar point. Between these two rainbows is Alexander’s dark band, a region into
which no light is scattered according to geometrical optics.
The colors of rainbows are a consequence of sufficient dispersion of the refractive
index over the visible spectrum to give a spread of rainbow angles that appreciably
exceeds the width of the sun. The width of the primary bow from violet to red is
about 1.7
; that of the secondary bow is about 3.1
Because of its band of colors arcing across the sky, the rainbow has become the
paragon of color, the standard against which all other colors are compared. Lee and
Fraser (1990) (see also Lee, 1991), however, challenged this status of the rainbow,
pointing out that even the most vivid rainbows are colorimetri cally far from pure.
Rainbows are almost invariably discussed as if they occurred literally in a
vacuum. But real rainbows, as opposed to the pencil-and-paper variety, are necessa-
rily observed in an atmosphere the molecules and particles of which scatter sunlight
that adds to the light from the rainbow but subtracts from its purity of color.
Although geome trical optics yields the positions, widths, and color separation of
rainbows, it yields little else. For example, geometrical optics is blind to super-
numerary bows, a seri es of narrow bands sometimes seen below the primary bow.
These bows are a consequence of interference, hence fall outside the province of
geometrical optics. Since supernumerary bows are an interference phenomenon,
they, unlike primary and secondary bows (according to geometrical optics),
depend on drop size. This poses the question of how supernumerary bows can be
seen in rain showers, the drops in which are widely distributed in size. In a nice piece
of detective work, Fraser (1983) answered this question.
Raindrops falling in a vacuum are spherical. Those falling in air are distorted by
aerodynamic forces, not, despite the depictions of countless artists, into tear drops
but rather into nearly oblate spheroids with their axes more or less vertical. Fraser
argued that supernumerary bows are caused by drops with a diameter of about
0.5 mm, at which diameter the angular position of the first (and second) supernu-
merary bow has a minimum: Interference causes the position of the supernumerary
bow to increase with decreasing size whereas drop distortion causes it to increase
with increasing size. Supernumerary patter ns contributed by drops on either side of
the minimum cancel leaving only the contribution from drops at the minimum. This
cancellation occurs only near the tops of rainbow, where supernumerary bows are
seen. In the vertical parts of a rainbow, a horizontal slice through a distorted drop is