Rayleigh scatterers, but only molecules are necessary for the blue sky. Particles, even
small ones, generally diminish the vividness of the blue sky.
Fluctuations are sometimes trumpeted as the ‘‘real’’ cause of the blue sky.
Presumably, this stems from the fluctuation theory of light scattering by media in
which the scatterers are separated by distances small compared with the wavelength.
Using this theory, which is associated with Einstein and Smoluchowski, matter is
taken to be continuous but characterized by a refractive index that is a random
function of position. Einstein (1910) stated that ‘‘it is remarkable that our theory
does not make direct use of the assumption of a discrete distribution of matter.’’ That
is, he circumvented a difficulty but realized it could have been met head on, as Zimm
(1945) did years later.
The blue sky is really caused by scattering by molecules. To be more precise,
scattering by bound electrons: free electrons do not scatter selectively. Because air
molecules are separated by distances small compared with the wavelengths of visible
light, it is not obvious that the power scattered by such molecules can be added. Yet
if they are completely uncorrelated, as in an ideal gas (to good approximation the
atmosphere is an ideal gas), scattering by N molecules is N times scattering by one.
This is the only sense in which the blue sky can be attributed to scattering by
fluctuations. Perfectly homogeneous matter does not exist. As stated pithily by
Planck: ‘‘a chemically pure substance may be spoken of as a vacuum made turbid
by the presence of mol ecules.’’
Spectrum and Color of Skylight
What is the spectrum of skylight? What is its color? These are two different ques-
tions. Answering the first answers the second but not the reverse. Knowing the color
of skylight we cannot uniquely determine its spectrum because of metamerism:A
given perceived color can in general be obtained in an indefinite number of ways.
Skylight is not blue (itself an imprecise term) in an absolute sense. When the
visible spectrum of sunlight outside Earth’s atmosphere is modulated by Rayleigh’s
scattering law, the result is a spectrum of scattered light that is neither solely blue nor
even peaked in the blue (Fig. 1). Although blue does not predominate spect rally, it
does predominate perceptually. We perceive the sky to be blue even though skylight
contains light of all wavelengths.
Any source of light may be looked upon as a mixture of white light and light of a
single wavelength called the dominant wavelength. The purity of the source is the
relative amount of the monochromatic component in the mixture. The dominant
wavelength of sunlight scattered according to Rayleigh’s law is about 475 nm,
which lies solidly in the blue if we take this to mean light with wavelengths between
450 and 490 nm. The purity of this scattered light, about 42%, is the upper limit for
skylight. Blues of real skies are less pure.
Another way of conveying the color of a source of light is by its color tempera-
ture, the temperature of a blackbody having the same perceived color as the source.
Since blackbodies do not span the entire gamut of colors, all sources of light cannot
be assigned color temperatures. But many natural sources of light can. The color