General Properties of Flows 301
The system obtained is far simpler for
than for x
. The preceding example is
apparently rudimentary. However, it translates the fact that the model has attributed
an important role to the parameter D, rather than to
which was chosen in order to
establish the model. It is clear that we can have a better development with the
than with
. This problem of parameter choice is often encountered in
order to best represent the range of solutions, for example, for solutions of boundary
layer equations ([SCH 99], [YIH 77]). The term b(t) of [6.68] can depend on
which must therefore express as a function of
The method can be applied to partial differential equations. We will later see
some examples of this (section Suitable variable changes also allows the
modification or simplification of the differential problem (section
The practical limits of the preceding method are determined by the convergence
of the entire series, but even more by the speed of convergence of the series
obtained. Methods for accelerating the convergence can be used here ([ABR 65]
p. 16, [BRE 91]).
Regular perturbations and orders of magnitude
In the domain of studies where the orders of magnitude of the terms are fixed,
knowledge of a solution (exact or approximate) of an unperturbed problem allows
the calculation of correctional terms for the solutions in the neighborhood of the
base solution.
The successive differential equations obtained are linear equations which all
have the same linear operator, the right hand sides being known at each stage from
the preceding solutions. Numerical solution is thus simplified. The computation of
higher order terms of the solution by means of analytical developments, is generally
difficult in practice, on account of its complexity.
Applications in fluid mechanics
With the exception of viscous stresses, taking account of other phenomena in
fluid mechanics, when these are relatively weak, very often leads to regular
perturbations: unsteady effects in established flow (in other words a flow which is
independent of its initial conditions), effects of compressibility in steady flow, weak
geometric changes, etc.
Consider the established flow of an incompressible fluid with constant viscosity
in a rectilinear pipe of arbitrary cross-section (Figure 6.13), and let us suppose that
we have a Poiseuille flow, with a driving pressure gradient
xp ww , parallel to the
velocity in the direction Ox, which is a given function of time; the velocity satisfies
the following equation (from [4.21]) and boundary conditions: