268 Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics and Transport Phenomena
– if, at a given instant, the flux
is zero in a domain D of a flow regardless of
the surface S, the flow is irrotational in the domain D (it suffices to take three
elementary orthogonal surfaces to verify that the vector
is necessarily zero).
From Lagrange’s theorem we thus see that the flow remains irrotational afterwards
in the material domain D. This situation is encountered when a flow issues from a
fluid region at rest or of uniform velocity;
– a vortex surface (or rotation surface) is a surface to which the vorticity vector
is tangent at an instant t; it moves whilst remaining a vortex surface (the flux of the
vortex remains zero on all elementary surface of rotation). In particular, a vortex
tube remains a vortex tube during any displacement of the matter of which it is
constituted. Considering the circulation of the velocity along a curve situated on the
tube and which encircles it once, we see that the intensity of a vortex tube remains
constant during its displacement: the vortex tube transports its circulation; this can
be easily seen in a rotational smoke ring (a closed rotation tube) in which smoke
makes the motion of the matter and its rotation visible;
– a vortex line (or rotation line) at instant t can be considered as an intersection
of two vortex surfaces: it therefore remains a vortex line. This results in vortex lines
being displaced with the matter.
1) The notion of circulation on a closed material curve C is essential: in effect, it
deforms during its displacement with the matter. It can eventually be divided into
two curves C
and C
when passing an obstacle (Figure 6.4), but it cannot be
transformed into a third curve C
(Figure 6.4). The sum of the circulations
ī and ī
over the curves C
and C
is equal to the circulation
* over the
curve C, whereas the circulation
* over the curve C
can take on any other value.
We will use an elementary example (section for which the circulations
īī and ī
C, C C
are zero, whereas
* is non-zero. This property is related to the
structure of the surface S interior to
C which is not simply connected (to put it
simply, it contains a “hole”) and the vector field is not continuously differentiable on
the interior of
C .
2) Lagrange’s theorem does not express the transport of the vorticity vector by
the matter; it only expresses a more global property. For the reasons given above, we
say that the vector field
which satisfies equation [6.7] is “frozen in the moving