242 Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics and Transport Phenomena
The domain thus defined is the influence domain of the given conditions on the
positive sides of the axes Ox and Ot. The positive side of the axis Ox is at rest at the
initial instant and we apply pressure and velocity variations at the origin x = 0, as a
function of time, which will then propagate on the Ox axis.
As previously, we can apply the method of characteristics by starting from the
points O, A, B, C, D, E,…,P, Q, etc., of the Ox and Ot axis (Figure 5.8a), and
calculating the values of the unknowns p and u using the relations 0 r ucp
taken on appropriate segments of the characteristic curves of slopes .
c+ u
However, the initial state, being uniform and at rest, can be considered as a
regime of simple progressive waves. Indeed, by applying previous relations on
characteristic curves issued from points A, B, C, D, E, etc., we see that the initial
rest data are transmitted to points H, I, etc., on the straight lines issued from
previous points on all parts of the plane above the straight line x = ct + OA.
Previous results show that propagation can only proceed with simple waves for
increasing times. It can be verified that the values (p
, u
) at point O are also
obtained from place to place for all points of the characteristic curve x =c
t issued
from O, on which the fluid state is uniform. Calculation is then carried out at points
P, Q, etc., of axis Ot, and it can be seen that we have a flow with simple progressive
waves, propagating on the characteristic straight lines of a positive slope.
The difference of pressure and velocity values between two neighboring
characteristic curves verify the relation
ucp ' '
of simple progressive waves.
This condition must be verified at points P, Q, etc., of axis Ot, so as not to create an
inverse propagation towards negative times on characteristic curves of negative
slopes: this should be not acceptable according to the physical aspects of problem.
This compatibility condition is a consequence of the definition of the initial data
curve itself, since there exist characteristic lines of a negative slope issued from axis
Ox intersecting axis Ot, which involves the relation ucp ' '
The simplest practical realization of the preceding flow involves imposing a
suitable velocity on the fluid matter by means of a moving piston. We will leave it to
the reader to determine the domain thus defined in the plane (x,t) for this Lagrangian
condition (we consider the trajectory of the piston).
When the pressure and velocity variations are negative and decreasing
(expansion), the slope of the characteristic lines is a decreasing function of time
(Figure 5.8a). These divergent straight lines thus form the shape of a fan, which
involves a broadening of the wave front as it propagates; Figure 5.8b shows the form
of the temporal velocity variation at the origin O, and then at points C and F.