288 Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics and Transport Phenomena
6.3. Orders of magnitude
6.3.1. Introduction and discussion of a simple example
The mathematical variable properties of a continuous medium are relatively
regular. The equations governing a continuous medium assume the continuity and
the derivability to at least second order in the physical quantities, with the exception
of regions where shocks or discontinuities occur. The validity of physical models
(axioms of the continuous medium or models obtained from kinetic gas theory)
implies that the physical quantities observed are solutions of ordinary or partial
differential equations whose behavior is locally regular.
It is thus reasonable to admit that a quantity
variations in the order
f on an interval of a time or space variable of length L
, possesses temporal or
spatial derivatives of the order of
and that their second derivatives under the
same conditions are in order
. Such a hypothesis should be subsequently
verified in discussing the results which can thence be obtained. The scale L
corresponds to the interval over which the function
varies. For example, for an
exponential function L is the characteristic dimension of the exponential variation
(space or time constant).
The preceding considerations result from the fact that a derivative is the ratio
limit of finite increases of the function and the variable, when the latter tends to
zero. It is clear that to within a factor of at most a few units, this derivative is equal
to the ratio of the finite increases in the region considered.
A partial differential equation (or an ordinary differential equation) is a
numerical balance between a certain number of terms containing derivatives. If this
equation only contains two terms, the absolute values of these are equal. On the
other hand, if the equation contains a sufficiently large number of terms, certain of
these are dominant in a given part of the domain, other terms being more important
in other regions. Each zone of the domain can thus be characterized by the locally
dominant physical phenomena.
Take the elementary example of the mass-spring oscillator with one degree of
Suppose that we do not know the solution. We search first of all if a
characteristic time
exists for the phenomena described by this equation and
corresponding to a movement of amplitude