200 Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics and Transport Phenomena
– the general structure of the differential equation: the solutions of a linear
differential equation belong to a vector space, which means that we can express a
solution by means of suitable linear combinations of other solutions. The dimension
of the vector space of the solutions is equal to the order of the differential equation;
– the properties of the coefficients of the differential equation, and in particular
their eventual singular properties: a coefficient which cancels itself out at some point
very often leads to particular properties of the solutions at that point. Such is the
case for solutions to problems of revolution about an axis for the point which
corresponds to the axis (generally denoted r = 0). Other particular points can play an
important role, as we will see with regard to stability problems;
– the nature of the boundary conditions imposed determines the kind of
differential problem which is posed:
- a Cauchy problem is determined by n boundary conditions given at a point
for the function and its n – 1 successive derivatives; such problems generally have a
unique solution
in the vicinity of this point. This kind of problem is often
encountered in mechanics for initial values of a motion. Regular behavior is only
ensured in the vicinity of the point, and the regular behavior can eventually extend
to the entire domain considered; however, in numerous cases we encounter accidents
in the behavior of the system far from the said point (divergence of the solution,
instabilities and random behavior, etc.),
- the n boundary conditions required may be specified at the two points of the
extremities of an interval. This case is common in physics, for field problems of
physical quantities (electromagnetic fields, velocity and displacement fields, etc.) for
which the solid boundaries impose particular conditions. The existence and
uniqueness of the mathematical solution can be obtained if the problems have been
well posed in physical terms for the entire domain.
In the preceding particular case where we impose zero conditions at two points,
the differential equation generally has a zero solution. However, there may exist
particular coefficient values for which a non-zero solution exists, and which
therefore depends on some parameter. These particular values correspond to the
eigenvalues of the differential operator. We will treat these problems in more detail
in Appendix 4.
The case of a system of coupled differential equations can amount to the study of
a higher order differential equation for one of the unknown functions after
elimination of the other unknown functions. For example, the system of two second
1 I.e. when we have mathematical properties of regularity, for the rest more or less satisfied in
application conditions of physics and mechanics.
2 We wish to say that any approximation with notable physical consequences has been made
when writing the equations for the problem.