The dog is thought to be man's best friend. These flights are considered to give
imp6rtant data. They are expected to compare their reports. These measures are
thought to be more exact. He did not seem to be afraid. Too much radiation is
known to be dangerous.
6. Новые для вас слова второго текста ("Space Ferry") перепишите по алфави-
ту с переводом и обозначением частей речи. Подумайте над словом ferry.
I. В следующих предложениях использованы конструкции «винительный па-
деж с инфинитивом» (урок 19) и «именительный падеж с инфинитивом»
(урок 20). Переведите эти предложения:
We know him to be a good engineer. He is thought to be a good engineer. The
dog is considered to be too old for the test. We considered the dog to be too young
for the experiment. He was seen to use the device. The data was thought to be im-
portant. The rocket is expected to be launched soon. We are expected to launch the
ship next month. We saw the wood burn slowly. He is believed to speak several
foreign languages well. We know him to speak German. Stone is known to be
heavier than wood.
II. Среди новых слов урока найдите синонимы к следующим словам:
to watch, a child, to lead, to act, simple, to grow
III. Переведите слова:
dog, far, reason, important, moon, design, meet, short, scale, spend, still, re-
search, number, quite, space, solve, achievement, operate, consider, increase, low,
compare, ordinary, expect, measure, step, test, recently, condition, data
IV. Назовите английские слова, имеющие значение:
далеко, пространство, ожидать, собака, число, увеличивать, короткий, низ-
кий, встречать, решать, важный, тратить, вполне, недавно, условие, луна, ис-
Повторите: 1) спряжение глагола во временах всех групп по таблице в
приложении № 2; 2) общее значение времен группы Indefinite в уроке 14,
Continuous в уроке 15 и Perfect в уроке 16.
The use of sputniks and manned (с людьми на борту) space ships for observa-
tions and photography makes it possible to organize control over the state of the
environment (окружающая среда). It is possible to trace dust storms covering
hundreds of thousands of square miles, to find their points of origin (происхожде-
ние) and the movement of these giant "dry clouds" and other atmospheric pollut-
ants (загрязнители).