664 Chapter
It is highly likely that the intensity mismatches are caused by a relatively
crude initial structural model since the atomic coordinates were taken
directly from the T1-based structure, even without correcting for the lattice
distortion along
(compare the unit cell dimensions of both materials in
Table 6.41). Furthermore, a considerable preferred orientation could be
expected because of yet another distinctly layered structure (see Figure
6.30). Therefore, the subsequent refinement included unit cell dimensions,
grain size contribution to peak broadening
and preferred orientation (PO)
parallel to the [loo] direction, along which the M07022 layers are stacked.
Some improvement of the fit has been observed as a result. Unlike in the two
examples considered in sections 7.7 and 7.8, the preferred orientation is not
as strong here, possibly due to a less severe cleaving of the particles during
A noticeable improvement, especially in the Bragg residual, occurs when
the coordinates of all atoms have been refined together with the isotropic
displacement parameters: individual for the Mo atoms and one parameter,
common for all oxygen atoms. A second preferred orientation parameter
along the
[OlO] axis was added as well, but its effect on the improvement of
the fit was quite small.
slightly negative overall isotropic displacement
parameter, U,,,
-0.002(4) A2, for the
atoms likely indicates a
contribution from the specimen porosity, which to a certain extent, also
incorporates other unaccounted systematic errors, e.g. absorption and beam
size exceeding the sample dimensions at low Bragg angles due to an
improper selection of the divergence slit aperture. Therefore, the porosity
effect was optimized in a subsequent refinement using two parameters
and a2) in the Suortti approximation. The latter refinement was carried out
after isotropic atomic displacement parameters were set to 0.015
for all
molybdenum and 0.020
for all oxygen atoms, and all atomic parameters
were kept fixed. The two porosity coefficients were refined to al
0.3 1 and
0.16 starting from the initial 0.40 and 0.40, respectively, after which
they were kept fixed through the end of the Rietveld refinement. Next, the
individual atomic parameters were released and re-refined. This substantially
improves the fit as shown in Figure 7.30.
Regardless of the considerable improvement, some mismatches between
the observed and computed intensities remain. At this point, we are still
missing one nitrogen and one carbon from the methyl ammonium ion, not
counting six hydrogen atoms, which will be nearly impossible to locate from
x-ray powder data (see section 7.7). Pinpointing the locations of carbon and
nitrogen in the unit cell and their inclusion into the model should indeed
improve the fit. However, another potentially deleterious effect on the
overall fit is the presence of a large intensity peak at low Bragg angle (28
in front of which there is a much smaller and broader impurity peak.