54 2 Composition Features and HTSC Preparation Techniques
different sources by using, for example, electron beam guns or resistive
evaporators. The films, prepared by this technique, yield their superconduc-
tive properties to the samples, manufactured by methods of laser evaporation
or magnetron scattering. Methods of vacuum co-evaporation are used in two-
stage synthesis, when the structure of films, scattered in first stage has no
principle consideration, as also the oxygen contents in them.
Laser evaporation. This is highly effective in the HTSC thin-film deposi-
tion. This method is simple in realization, demonstrates high rate of deposition
and permits contact with small targets. Its main advantage is the evapora-
tion, equally well, of all chemical elements contained in the target [521]. The
films, having the same quality as the targets, may be prepared in the target
evaporation under concrete conditions. The distance between target and sub-
strate and also the oxygen pressure are the important technical parameters.
Their right selection allows, on one hand, non- overheating of the growing
film by energy of plasma, evaporated by laser, and accompanying formation
of very big grains, but, on the other hand, to state an energetic regime that is
necessary for film growth at perhaps very low temperatures of substrate. The
high energy of the components deposited and existence in the laser flame of
monatomic and ionized oxygen permit the preparation of HTSC thin films in
one stage. In this case, the films are mono-crystalline or possess high texture
with c-axis orientation (the c-axis is perpendicular to the substrate plane).
The main disadvantages of the laser evaporation are the following: (i) small
region in which stoichiometric films could be deposited, (ii) heterogeneity of
their thickness and (iii) surface roughness. By using the radiation methods
in film preparation, the interesting dependences may be stated, for example,
between the degree of a-axis orientation of YBCO film,
the substrate tem-
perature and the material, and also the deposition rate. These dependences
for the ion beam sputtering method in deposition of CeO
buffer layer are
presented in Figs. 2.1 and 2.2. Obviously, by using the sapphire substrate in
the preparation of the a-axis-oriented YBCO thin film higher rates of depo-
sition are necessary. Moreover, film surfaces with smaller roughness are ob-
tained on sapphire compared with SrTiO
, defining its better superconducting
Magnetron scattering. This permits to obtain in one stage YBCO films,
not yielding their superconducting properties to the samples, deposited by the
laser evaporation method. Moreover, they have more homogeneous thickness
and higher smoothness of surface. As at the laser evaporation, the plasma
formation at magnetron scattering creates high-energetic atoms and ions that
Due to the high anisotropy of HTSC, films with c-axis orientation only have good
transport and screening properties. At the same time, films with a-axis orien-
tation, possessing greater coherence length in direction that is perpendicular to
the surface and distinguished by high smoothness, could be convenient to pre-
pare qualitative HTSC Josephson junctions, consisting of successively deposited
“HTSC-normal metal” (or “dielectric–HTSC”) layers. Films demonstrating mixed
orientation are not desirable in all cases.