68 2 Composition Features and HTSC Preparation Techniques
In Region I, the conductor is heated above the melting point of Bi-2212,
held at this temperature for a short time and then cooled. In this stage,
Bi-2212 powder melts incongruently, forming liquid and non-superconducting
crystalline phase. At the end of this stage, Bi-2212 formation begins. At melt-
ing, the Bi-2212 powder releases oxygen, which is not a problem for films
that are open to the environment, but can be a problem for tapes and wires,
where it can cause the silver sheath to bubble. On the other hand, at el-
evated temperatures, used during melting, Bi evaporation from the melt is
possible [924]. The silver sheath of tapes and wires prevents this process, but
this is actual danger for films. Also, it should be noted that critical condi-
tion to prepare homogeneous highly aligned microstructure is the minimum
fraction of crystalline phases in the melt at the beginning of Bi-2212 phase
In Region II, Bi-2212 forms from the melt, where growth and alignment of
Bi-2212 grains occur. Since Bi-2212 melts incongruently, at cooling it should
be formed by a reaction between liquid and crystalline phases. In this case,
in order to form a homogeneous highly aligned microstructure, the melt must
contain small grain of non-superconducting phases when Bi-2212 begins to
form. The cooling rates, used for the melt process of Bi-2212 conductors
should be sufficiently fast to intensify Bi-2212 phase formation and mini-
mize fraction of normal phases, which are present in the final product always.
The problems with having non-superconducting phases in the fully processed
conductor are that the phases are too large to pin flux, they block the su-
percurrent path and diminish useful properties of the conductor. In order to
obtain high superconducting properties, a highly aligned grain structure is
necessary. Plate-like Bi-2212 grains grow from the melt because growth of
Bi-2212 is faster in the ab-plane than in the c-direction. This two-dimensional
growth is critical for the alignment that develops during cooling. The experi-
ments have shown [409] that the cooling rate and thickness of the oxide melt
affect the alignment: slower cooling and thinner oxide yield higher alignment.
The misorientation angle for a given grain size decreases with decreasing oxide
thickness. The alignment mechanism requires that the large, properly oriented
grains grow at the expense of the smaller misoriented grains. Films that are
< 20–25 μm thick align easily. In thicker films, the alignment is usually not
uniform throughout, being higher close to the free surface than near the silver
interface. It has been suggested that in the films the Bi-2212 growth and align-
ment begin at the free surface and proceed into the oxide layer. Since films
are two-dimensional, one would expect a higher alignment in thinner films be-
cause of the smaller misorientation angle a grain could have and still grow to
a given length. Moreover, as the aligned grains grow in films, they may rotate
misaligned grains into alignment near the free surface more easily compared
with the nearest neighborhood of the superconductor/metal interface. The
free surface in films is also important from the point of general alignment of
the film structure. Thick films (50–100 μm) can have a 20–25 μmthicklayerof
aligned Bi-2212 grains at the free surface with poorly aligned Bi-2212 below