34 1 Superconductors and Superconductivity
placed in a parallel magnetic field) is divided into great number of alternating
superconducting and normal regions.
The magnetization curve of a type-II superconductor in the form of a long
cylinder, placed in a parallel magnetic field, is shown schematically in Fig. 1.9.
As long as the external field is H<H
, the field in the interior of the sample
is absent (B =0).However,atH
, a steadily increasing field
penetrates the superconductor in the form of flux lines (vortices). It remains
below the external field H, and superconductivity of the sample is not de-
stroyed. At a certain field H = H
, the field in the interior becomes equal
to external field H, and the bulk superconductivity disappears. In contrast
to the type-I superconductors, the superconductivity may easily originate in
a heterogeneous way in these materials. In this case, the field of the super-
conductivity initiation H
field H
. Between H
and H
, the material has no electric resistance and
contains a lattice of flux lines, which can be simplistically treated as normal
regions. This is the mixed state, also known as the Shubnikov phase [987].
In dirty materials (with defects) vortices remain anchored onto impurities,
leading to significant hysteresis and even paramagnetization curves, as shown
in Fig. 1.9.
Thus, the above H
type-II superconductors do not show the Meissner
effect. Magnetic field penetrates into these materials in the form of quantized
flux lines (vortices), each of which has a normal core, which can be approxi-
mated by a long thin cylinder with its axis parallel to the external magnetic
field. Inside the cylinder, the order parameter, Ψ = 0. The radius of the cylin-
der is of the order ξ, the coherence length. The direction of the super-current,
circulating around the normal core, is such that the direction of the magnetic
field, generated by it, coincides with that of the external field and is parallel
to the normal core. By this, the vortex current circulates into region with
radius of the order λ. The size of this region is by far above a value ξ, because
λ>>ξfor type-II superconductors [935].
Each vortex carries one magnetic flux quantum. Penetration of vortices in
the interior of a superconductor becomes thermodynamically favorable at H>
. Inside the superconductor, the vortices arrange themselves at distances
∼λ, from each other, so that in the cross-section, they form a regular triangular
or square lattice (see Fig. 1.10). This state of superconductor (at H
) is the mixed state, because it is characterized by a partial penetration
of the magnetic field in the interior of the sample. Once formed at H
vortex lattice persists at much higher fields. As the external field increases, the
lattice period steadily decreases and the density of the vortices rises. Finally,
at a field H = H
, the vortex lattice becomes so dense that the distance
between the neighboring vortices, that is, the lattice period attains the order
ξ. This means that the normal cores of the vortices come into contact with
each other and the order parameter Ψ becomes zero over the total volume of
the superconductor, that is, a second-order phase transition occurs.