1.2 Progress and Prognosis of Superconductivity Applications 11
is another important problem of the Navy. The mechanism of sea mine launch-
ing is connected with their sensitivity to the magnetic image of ship (i.e., with
perturbations of Earth’s magnetic field under influence of magnetic mass of
the ship). Small ship with superconducting magnet can imitate the magnetic
image of moving ship, thus collecting the mines. Under large magnetic field
(for this, the superconducting magnet is used) the mines can be blown up suf-
ficiently far from the magnet. Today, HTSC magnet, which may be placed in
helicopter and models fields, imitating moving ship, has been developed. With
the aim to find and counteract small, low-flying rockets, the Navy develops
powerful high-frequency radio-locator on the base of superconducting magnet.
In this case, interaction of electronic ray with magnetic field creates electro-
magnetic radiation with frequency proportional to the magnetic field.
IV. Medicine. At the top of our technological tree are seen benefits, con-
nected with increase of human welfare and, especially, with development of
medicine. The main problem is to use the uniquely useful, ecologically safe and
energy-saving potential of superconducting materials and magnets. In partic-
ular, it relates to use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This method
rapidly established itself as a new and virtually indispensable medical diag-
nostic tool. The perspectives of the method are caused by progress in the
technique of electronic image and cryogenic refrigeration. The base applica-
tion of MRI involves visualization of concentrations of “hydrogen molecules”
or “liquid” content of the various organs in the body. The use of even higher
field superconducting magnets (so-called functional MRI) allows to state very
accurately the distribution of other chemical elements in the human body
that exist in much more limited concentrations than hydrogen. Another per-
spective direction is the use of SQUIDs that are the most sensitive detec-
tors of flux or magnetic fields. SQUIDs are used to measure brain waves and
brain functions. Similar excitement surrounds the use of SQUIDs in cardi-
ology. Their other applications cover microbiology, biomedicine, high-energy
physics, nanoparticle magnetism, non-destructive control, archeology, geology
and SQUID microscopy. Medical HTSC tomographs can be used to control
the quality of goods, in particular of food products.
V. Mechanical systems. The application of superconducting motors shows
that such motors could be at least 20% more efficient than typical present
products. The total energy saving on use of this technology could be enormous.
In particular, 5000 horsepower motors have been demonstrated [219]. Other
examples of superconductivity applications are the devices of energy accumu-
lation and storage based on the levitation phenomenon, high-field magnets
for laboratory research, superconducting magnets for specialized fabrication
processes of the chemical and pharmaceutical products, industrial growing of
silicon crystals, material separation and so on.
VI. Scientific research. The application of superconducting magnets has
probably been the most radical event for high-energy physics. Note, in par-
ticular, most powerful in the world an accelerator of high-energetic charged