have been developed such as near-net shape (NNS) manufacturing, nanotechnol-
ogy, metal-injection molding (MIM) powder metallurgy techniques, etc. [1-10–1-13],
resulting in increasing application areas of titanium materials. As for biomaterials,
reflecting to a natural demand for allergy-free metallic materials composed of non-
toxic element(s), research and development in metallic biomaterials, dental, and
healthcare materials have been advanced remarkably [1-14, 1-15].
Owing to various characteristic properties associated with titanium and tita-
nium-based alloys, different types of dental and medical prostheses have been
developed and are currently being utilized. They include cardiac (especially,
mechanical heart valves, pacemakers), operational devices and equipment, and
orthopedic implants. Furthermore, in the dental field, the list can expand to specif-
ically orthodontic brackets and wires, dental implants, prosthetic appliances, and
endodontic files.
It is well recognized that the first reaction of a vital hard/soft tissue (i.e., host
tissue) to any type of biomaterial (ceramics, polymers, metals and alloys, com-
posites) is a rejection; accordingly, biomaterial is normally recognized as a
“foreign material” by the host tissue. The biological acceptance of these foreign
materials by the living tissues is essentially controlled by the surface and interfa-
cial reaction between the organic substance and inorganic substrate. The surface is
not just a free end of a substance, but it is a contact and boundary zone with other
substances (either in gaseous, liquid, or solid). A physical system which comprises
of a homogeneous component such as solid, liquid, or gas and is clearly distin-
guishable from each other is called a phase, and a boundary at which two or three
of these individual phases are in contact is called an interface. Surface and inter-
face reactions include reactions with organic or inorganic materials, vital or non-
vital species, hostile or friendly environments, etc. Surface activities may vary
from mechanical actions (fatigue crack initiation and propagation, stress intensifi-
cation, etc.), chemical action (discoloration, tarnishing, contamination, corrosion,
oxidation, etc.), mechano-chemical action (corrosion fatigue, stress-corrosion
cracking, etc.), thermo-mechanical action (thermal fatigue), tribological and
biotribological actions (wear and wear debris toxicity, friction, etc.) to physical
and biophysical actions (surface contact and adhesion, adsorption, absorption, dif-
fusion, cellular attachment, etc.). Accordingly, the longevity, safety, reliability, and
structural integrity of dental and medical materials are greatly governed by these
surface phenomena, which can be detected, observed, characterized, and analyzed
by virtue of various means of devices and technologies [1-5, 1-16].
Interfaces are as important as surfaces. Such interfaces can be found in various
combinations, such as dentin/resin bonding, post/lute/tooth system, implant/hard tis-
sue system, metal coping/porcelain system, etc. Common phenomenon underlying
these interfacing couples includes the fact that there is always an intermediate layer
6 Bioscience and Bioengineering of Titanium Materials
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